You simply have to “own” your actions, take responsibility, and decide to do better. This theory applies to all aspects of life, be that:
Fitness — Weight Loss — Health — Work — Relationships — Family — Food Choices — Education, etc.
Everyone has issues and areas of their lives they’d like to improve. However, most don’t know how to.
The next problem is many folks don’t realize they have a problem — they often believe they’re perfect.
That’s what you call a “narcissist.”
I’m certain you know you can’t change a narcissist. They’ll definitely not ever want to change themselves. For that reason, I’ll leave them out of play in this story.
For everyone else, every single desired goal in life is possible to obtain.
The problem?
Most folks often don’t know how to approach, let alone fix their issues to improve their quality of life.
I don’t have the magic toolbox with all the answers either. I simply know I went through hell and back for a few years. Thankfully, in the end, I managed to fix most of my issues.
The road to where I am now was a rocky, and slippery one, filled with deep potholes.
Somehow, I came out of it on the other end — I’m a much more productive, healthier, and happier soul today.
These are the actions I took to boost my mind, fix my fat belly and get my butt in the swing again.
1. Taking ownership
It took several years for me to realize my flaws, and that I was my own worst enemy. Once I got that, I started to take action to improve myself.
2. Changing my food
I studied food and the effects it has on your body and mind. Luckily, that resulted in me becoming what I call a “modern nutritionist” and health coach. It also saved my life. Had I carried on eating and drinking like I used to, I’m sure I wouldn’t have made it past 50.
3. Exploring new training and movement methods
Discovering calisthenics, and the strength, power, and agility this allowed me to develop gave me a phenomenally positive mindset shift.
4. Meditating
By taking to meditation I calmed my mind, relieving myself from most stress and anxiety, as well as sleepless nights.
5. Adopting a positive attitude and outlook
No matter how difficult my circumstances were, I pushed myself to always think positively and believe things will work out to be great.
As soon as a negative thought enters my mind, I quickly replace it by thinking about a pleasant experience in life, and how grateful and lucky I am to be alive.
6. Having Gratitude
I wasn’t a grateful person a few years ago. I was an entitled ass and believed the world owed me everything — I thought I was the best.
Was I a narcissist? It’s possible. I was definitely close to being one.
Yet, I did reform myself from that mental health issue. Today, I’m grateful for everything.
I don’t mean that materialistically. I only own my laptop, phone, and 2 bags of clothes. I love living the minimalist life these days.
What I’m most grateful for is:
- Not giving up on myself.
- Working harder and smarter
- Finding my health and fitness
- Becoming a calm and reasonable person
- Having no expectations
- The support from my family and friends
7. Being Humble
Ditching my huge ego and self-importance was one of the best changes I made to myself.
It set me free from the pressure and stress of thinking I must be the best, show off my achievements, and be seen as “special.”
I just don’t care anymore. I look after myself, but I’m not in the slightest interested in being recognized, special, or in the limelight.
I’ve been there and done that, and it wasn’t as great as you may think.
None of the actions I took to change myself and create a better life are so-called habits. Once I took action, after realizing I had to, it became second nature and a pleasure to live this way.
Final Thought
Don’t worry so much about your bad habits and replace them with good ones. That’s not as valuable as many folks make it out to be.
Instead, figure out what’s good and bad about your life. Then, write it down, and make your action plan.
That’s your new roadmap to slowly improving your life through better lifestyle choices.
Don’t make your new choices habits, make them your hobbies that you love.
Please download my 2 Health & Fitness E-Books:
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
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