Working out should be fun, fast, and enjoyable, rather than long and grueling.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
I’m sure you’ve been in the following scenario: Stuck in gym group session or with a personal trainer for an hour, looking at the clock and wishing this would all be over with faster!
I know the feeling, I used to put myself through those strains and pains thinking it’s the only way to get fit, lose the belly, and bulk up to be a strong looking fella!
Turns out, I was wrong, and did it all wrong for many years after my professional athletic career ended. I just hadn’t found out the truth, yet!
Getting there feels so tough and distant.
Reaching your ideal fitness levels and body goals is challenging and feels daunting to most, to the extent it can be off-putting resulting in you quitting.
The reason behind that is the fitness industry purposely markets “Getting Fit” with the notion of the more the better, and “No Pain No Gain” slogans.
All of which is a bunch of garbage made up to draw you into long-term gym memberships, sessions, and supplements.
In fact, none of the 3 above mentioned things are needed to reach your optimal health, and body goals.
That’s why it’s my mission to crunch down all the nonsense, and help you discover natural and far more enjoyable health and fitness methods.
What I mostly do is follow the natural movement patterns of our ancient primal ancestors, which show you how simple and easy achieving your fitness and body goals can be.
Our primal ancestors were fit and mostly healthy — they had to be to survive in the harsh climates and circumstances they faced.
They were fit naturally by going about their daily routine, which involved a lot of walking, running, lifting, swimming, and sprinting, and no gyms, memberships or supplements!
Am I making sense? Again, none of the stuff is needed — Your body is your gym!
Your health comes from within.
Without a strong and healthy heart, no matter what you may look like on the outside, you’re not necessarily healthy on the inside.
That applies to everyone, professional athletes, young guys, and girls pumping iron in the gym and posting muscle photos on Instagram, middle-aged men, and women, all of us.
If the heart is continuously overloaded with cortisol, which can cause heart disease, the heart is going to suffer and eventually fail.
The 8 Core Basic and Natural Bodyweight Movements
1. Push-Ups
2. Pull-Ups
3. Plank
4. Downhill Ski
5. Lunges
6. Squats
7. Headstand
8. Handstand
Learn to perform these 8 exercises with good form, and that’s all you’ll ever need to do for the rest of your life to stay fit, build or maintain lean muscle, and blast off excess fat and weight.
And the above exercises support both weight loss and weight gain (lean muscle), depending on your goals.
Please click this link to see 8 short videos where I show you exactly how I do these movements.
In addition to the highlighted exercises all I ask you to make as your daily routine is:
While this concept is not new and sounds logical, it’s one of the most overlooked aspects of our daily lives.
In today’s modern world, with the hectic work and family lives most people lead, moving frequently gets put on the back burner or is crammed in a couple of times week.
“Moving frequently” means what it says, and it applies to all types of movement — our bodies are built to be used and moved.
People sit at their desk in an office all day long and barely move their bodies at all. This behavioral pattern results in poor for overall health, especially heart health, and contributes to insidious weight gain.
You have legs, and walking is the most natural form of movement you can do. Walking is the single most essential and simple exercise.
If you make walking an integral part of your schedule, aim for a decent number of steps or distance per day, significant health benefits, and an improvement in your fitness levels will soon become your new reality!
I aim to walk at least 12000 steps a day, with 15000 being my ideal target. I don’t always make it, but I try.
Fifteen thousand steps a day keeps the doctor away!
Besides walking, you should make an effort to engage in all kinds of natural movement.
That can be anything like swimming, running, hiking, or sports activities you enjoy, such as tennis, soccer, baseball, skiing, canoeing, paddle boarding, or boxing.
My personal favorites are water-skiing, tennis, and Muay Thai boxing.
- Water-skiing is an intense high-speed, sprinting type of sport that demands strength, power, explosiveness, and skill.
- Tennis is a more tactical, endurance, and skill-based game, which is stimulating to mind and body.
- Muay Thai is technical, demands skillfulness, and develops power, endurance, and a sharp mind.
The bottom line: whatever it is you enjoy doing for movement, make sure you get outside, preferably, or indoors in a gym or studio and do it frequently!
In a Nutshell.
Working out, and your ideal body goals are not hard to achieve. You can get to where you want to be within 2 to 3 months, by working out following my methods, using variations of the 8 Core Bodyweight Exercises in short 10 to 20 minute “Micro-Workouts.”
That’s it, folks! And cheers to your health and fitness.
Please get my new E-Book by clicking the link below for guaranteed weight loss, fitness and great overall health!
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health!
It contains everything you need to know about health — fitness — food — lifestyle, and wellness is right here, in my brand-new E-Book.
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