The acne problem for young kids and many adults is widespread and close to my heart. I know how damaging it is to their self-esteem, which sets people back for years.
Once again, big business takes over their brains and leads them down the garden path by making these poor souls spend tons of money on expensive “skin care products,” none of which actually work.
All you need to do is think! The skincare and cosmetics industries are massive, and almost all their products are expensive — why?
Profit maximization is the answer!
Chemicals are everywhere. Chemicals are everywhere. Read the ingredients list on the packaging. You’ll soon see words with no meaning to you — that’s a chemical.
You’re rubbing that awful stuff into your skin, which gets absorbed by your pores and seeps into your bloodstream.
Scrubs, cleansers, moisturizers, foundation, and sunscreen don’t help the acne problem, not at all.
They only amplify the issue — chemicals are toxic. If you use logic, you can imagen that’s not good for your skin, blood, and overall well-being.
However, that’s the advice dermatologists and the beauty industry gives:
“Buy and try this new skincare product, it should help in time.”
And it’s sad, bad, and wrong advice!
The only long-term solution that works for good is to eat “real food” and eliminate sugar from your life
I’ve had 2 girlfriends in the past 3 years (one in 2019, the other in 2022). Both women had terrible acne when I met them.

It was a shock at first to see because they all managed to cover up the problem on their social media by using filters and tons of makeup.
However, I’m an open-minded guy, and I never judge a book by its cover. So, I went ahead with each relationship and helped them cure their acne.
In both cases, it only took me 2 to 3 months to completely fix their nasty and aggressive spots.
Suddenly they had clean, shiny, and vibrant skin. It was a challenging task for me. I had to convince them to stop eating carbs and cut out all sugar.
They were, like most people, 100% sugar and carb addicted. Dropping rice, noodles, bread, cakes, and ice cream didn’t come easily to them.
As a modern nutritionist and metabolic health coach, I’ve studied food & drinks and their effects on the body and brain
Let me tell you these simple, painful to accept, yet 100% truthful facts:
1 — Grains = carbs = sugar.
All foods made with grains convert to glucose (sugar) in your blood, making you fat, sick, and develop nasty acne.
2 — Sugar = sugar.
Sugary foods are precisely like a shot of heroin to a drug addict. Sugar is a drug, not a food, and it’s dangerously addictive and destructive to your body, mind, and skin!
Your body and brain do not need or want these terrible pro-inflammatory anti-nutrients. But 95% of people worldwide eat this way daily without knowing the harm they’re causing themselves.
Back to me 2 ex-girlfriends
I couldn’t completely get them off sugar and carbs.
But I succeeded 90% of the time. I had them mostly eating healthy meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and other animal products.
As mentioned, their skin soon cleared up.
However, it was a struggle and part of the reason I ended the relationships. They kept dipping their hands back in the cookie jar, which was hard to watch, upset me, and led to arguments.
I always asked the same question:
“I’m helping you clear up your skin and be happier. So why won’t you listen and keep eating junk food again and again?”
It didn’t help that they both suffered from bipolar disease.
When their moods dropped, oh gosh, it was a living hell for me. And they went straight back to eating rice and sugar until the next day came, and they were happy campers again.
I tried my best but couldn’t take the constant ups and downs and my battle to help them become mentally and metabolically healthy and stable.
You can’t help people who don’t help themselves. Unfortunately, that’s a fact of life.
Once things ended, they both couldn’t control their brains and soon returned to their old habits, fully indulging in carb-heavy and sugar-laden junk foods.
Their acne and bloated bellies soon returned.
Final Thoughts
I work with many metabolically and mentally unhealthy people — in person and online.
It’s a hard job, but it’s my passion to help, so I do it from my heart and give it my all.
I’ve learned one disturbing and disappointing fact:
Most people can’t commit for long and lack the willpower and self-control to change their lifestyles to regain optimal mental and metabolic health, including eliminating acne.
This observation is sad. If folks would stick to the plan and stay the course, they’d look and feel much better.
As a result, this would massively boost their confidence and make them happy and more successful in life.
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
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The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
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