Once you understand what you’re putting in your body, you’ll hopefully stop eating all the poison out there that’s harming your body and mind!
The problem most folks face is that they don’t understand what’s in the food and drink they are consuming and the effects on your body. Why consume something that’s harmful and can make you sick and overweight? For me, that simply doesn’t make sense. I want only to put things in my body that I’m sure won’t have adverse effects on my health and wellbeing.
Sadly, governments and food authorities don’t properly educate you about what you’re eating. It’s all upside down! But I’ve got good news, once you understand what NOT to eat, it’s easy to follow a healthy diet, without stress, frustration, or feeling hungry and deprived.
The 3 main culprits.
· Sugar
· Grains / Wheat
· PUFA Oils
We humans should not be consuming any of the three mentioned “foods” — which in essence is not natural food anyway. However, these 3 items are tucked away in almost everyone’s daily meals, and they are touted as “healthy” or okay in moderation.
It’s not so, the contrary is the case, and this is why.
Sugar is addictive and toxic, even more so than drugs such as cocaine or heroin. Don’t believe me? Well, when you eat sugar, your whole brain lights up like a bonfire; you feel a sugar high (fake energy) soon after, followed by a slump. The result is you keep going back for more until that cookie jar is finished! That’s called addicted!
Next, the sugar is converted into glucose in your bloodstream. It has to either be burned or removed, which your insulin duly takes care of, by moving the excess glucose into your fat cells (triglycerides), causing insidious weight gain.
If your pancreas is continuously forced to push insulin into your blood, what can happen? Your pancreas can eventually give up and stop producing the vital insulin altogether, and that’s when you become insulin resistant and diabetic.
Grains / Wheat.
What are grains and wheat?
Examples of whole grains include:
· Barley
· White & Brown rice
· Buckwheat
· Bulgur (cracked wheat)
· Millet
· Oatmeal
· Popcorn
· Whole-wheat bread, pasta, or crackers
All the stuff people eat daily one way or another, and all bad for you. Wheat and grains are pro-inflammatory for your gut and organs, cause internal water retention along with all kinds of potential illnesses.
Grains are naturally high in fiber, helping you feel full and satisfied — which makes it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Whole grains are also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems. www.mayoclinic.org
There’s the problem in the first sentence of the above statement; “make you feel full and satisfied.” Right. Indeed, grains, wheat, and everything made from them are “filler foods.” They quickly make you feel full and all warm inside — thank you, carbohydrates!
Then this food is swiftly converted to glucose in your blood (sugar), which, as with the direct sugar shot, has to be burned off or transported into your triglycerides by your insulin! Once again, insidious weight gain occurs, which leads to more internal inflammation and potential illnesses.
PUFA Oils.
Sorry, but I had to copy and paste this opening statement of an article by Harpers Bazar, written by STEVEN MACARI. Steve Macari is a New York-based nutritionist, health coach, and wellness educator.
I disagree with the author about sugar and gluten not being as bad as PUFA oils; they have different adverse effects on your health. Simply put, PUFA Oils are poison, and you’re consuming this highly processed toxic stuff every day.
What if there was a substance that you, we regularly consuming that was severely hampering your efforts to get healthy? What if this substance was linked to accelerated aging and a variety of common health problems? What if this substance was used in numerous “health” foods and in numerous restaurants? What if you were taking supplements that contained high amounts of a harmful substance that you were told was healthy? Well, this is happening, and you are most likely unaware of it, the most damaging thing you can put in your body is not sugar and it is not gluten, it’s PUFAs.
“The most damaging PUFAs are the processed liquid cooking oils below:
Canola oil, Grapeseed Oil, Corn Oil, Soybean Oil, Generic Vegetable Oil, Walnut Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Sesame Oil, Peanut Oil, Margarine, Flaxseed Oil.”
Sadly, PUFAs are hidden in all kinds of food consumed daily, such as;
potato chips, energy and protein bars, roasted nuts, fast food, bread, pasta, and almost all restaurants cook with these oils.
PUFAs are unstable and oxidize quickly and at low temperatures yet are used for high-temperature cooking and deep frying — think about that! Once oxidized, consumed free radicals are released into your bloodstream, wreaking havoc, damaging cells and organs, aging your skin, and they can cause various forms of cancer.
Avoid PUFAs at all costs, and it’s advisable to make a considerable effort to do so! I mostly cook at home for this very reason, but when I eat out, I ask for my food to be cooked in stable, saturated fats such as butter, ghee, coconut oil, or avocado oil.
Contrary to what you’ve heard over the years, saturated fat is healthy and stable, while unsaturated fat is unstable, oxidizes, and damages your health when ingested frequently.
Please read here about what you SHOULD eat!
What Can I Eat Keto Food GuideKeto, Paleo or Primal, or just Plain Natural!
In Conclusion.
I realize you may love pasta, bread, and rice and probably weren’t aware that the sunflower or canola oil you’re cooking with is severely damaging your health. How can I live without my rice and bread? I hear that all the time. Well, it’s easy for 2 reasons:
1) Once you get used to not eating those items, you soon stop craving them. Your body adjusts to eating without these fillers, and it won’t be long before you feel 100% satisfied and full, only eating meat, fish, seafood, veggies, and eggs! A natural balanced diet without chemicals and inflammatory properties.
2) You can make healthy bread, pasta, or pizzas using almond flour, which is grain/gluten-free and contains a good dose of protein. You can further make all kinds of wonderful desserts, treats, and snacks using almond or coconut flour and replace the sugar with stevia or monk fruit.
Believe me, it works. I’ve been doing this for 6 years straight, lost a ton of weight, look younger, feel way better, have unlimited energy, and I’m never sick!
I don’t crave any grain/gluten fillers and certainly no sugar. Give it a try for 4 weeks and see how you feel. It’s worth it as you’ll likely be adding years to your life by doing so!
Thanks for reading,