I’m seeing it more and every day. Wherever I go, I notice overweight kids, teens, and twenty-something-year-olds with big beer bellies, fat legs, chubby arms, and faces — both women and men.
I’m currently in Southeast Asia, so I see many local younger and older folks walking around in cafes and restaurants, and plenty of tourists.
One thing that stands out is that young or older locals are in much better shape and of normal weight and body proportions.
Of course, there are exceptions here too.
The locals eat large amounts of rice, noodles, and quite a bit of sugar in their coffees and teas, which is unhealthy. But they also eat a lot of meat, fish, and seafood — that’s healthy!
Unlike the tourists, you don’t see locals stuff themselves with pizza, sandwiches, and burgers, mainly consisting of bread, fast food, candy, and ice creams.
I see many young Western couples in their early twenties or thirties who are already obese and probably close to being insulin-resistant.
And when I say many, I mean it — at least 8 out of 10 young folks are considerably overweight.
What’s the cause for these kids to be so unhealthy and out of shape?
Their food choices, lack of movement, and cell phone obsession — the more time spent on your phone, the less you have to exercise, make, and real food.
Eating junk food is so normalized these days that folks don’t view it as junk anymore — to them, it’s just how food is made.
You’ll see them loading up on heaps of pasta, pizza, bread, sandwiches, noodle dishes, and a plate of French fries, washed down with beers or cans of classic Coca-Cola — the king of all sugar bombs!
The biggest problem and cause?
People don’t know what they’re putting inside themselves or the harm it’s doing to their bodies and minds.
There’s a dangerous lack of food knowledge — nobody cares what they’re eating — as long as it’s tasty, that’s all that matters.
Their thinking goes:
“It can’t be that bad for me if it’s available, so I’ll eat it. After all, I love it!”
That’s when you see them shopping in the supermarket with their basket full of potato chips, cookies, instant noodles, cereals, bread, soft drinks, and beer.
While I was waiting to pay for my meat and eggs in a market a few days ago, I observed the couple in front of me. They didn’t have one piece of healthy food in their trolley — no meat, eggs, or vegetables and fruit — nothing.
Just highly processed grains, carbohydrates, and sugar-laden “fake food.”
The sad part is these people have no idea what these items are made of — they don’t see them as junk food — they think it’s “normal food.”
The improper and the proper diet
Eating junk food is so common that when someone starts eating healthy, it’s labeled dieting. Or worse, they see you as having eating disorders.
Young folks definitely don’t like the word or the idea of “dieting,” so they’ll continue eating exactly what they love — junk food.
That brings me to another misconception purposely spread by the food industry — the meaning of the word “diet.”
To be on a diet is now interpreted as a food restriction or weight loss plan, which gives the word a negative connotation.
Having to go on a diet, you think, means you’re restricting yourself from your favorite foods.
As a classic food addict, you don’t want that!
In reality, the word diet comes from the Greek word “diaita,” which means “way of life,” and the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
Everyone is on a diet — you just don’t know it.
If your diet is what you believe to be the “normal one,” I can assure you that you’re mostly consuming junk food, making yourself sicker and fatter by the day.
Junk food is everywhere. It’s hard to avoid, but you can if you learn what food promotes optimal health and body composition.
I call it the proper diet — and — living healthily by following natural principles and eating real food.
Mostly, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, selected vegetables, butter, cheese, cream, herbs and spices, and lots of water!
Please read my related health and weight loss story here:
Processed Foods Are Scary And Damaging Much Like Drugs – Be Careful What You Put In Your Mouth!
Final Thoughts
If you’ve already progressed to the obese stage where your body is insulin resistant — meaning your pancreas is exhausted and can’t produce insulin anymore — you have type 2 diabetes.
That’s not a pleasant condition to live with. The good news is — it’s reversible.
You only have to do 2 things:
1. Stop eating all junk foods and come off the carbohydrate and sugar-laden toxic things you’ve been feeding yourself.
2. Embrace the “proper diet” and eat real natural foods!
Your transformation from unhealthy, sick, and overweight to metabolically healthy and fit will only take 3 months if you stay the course.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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