Reading the aggressive “know-it-all” comments on some of my food advice stories is frustrating. These folks are angry for a reason — sugar, carbs, and grains mess with their brains.
The majority of my viral food articles are greatly appreciated. I receive thousands of claps, positive comments, thank you e-mails, and requests to help people heal from within, lose weight, and feel great again!
Why do you think that is?
The answer is simple: The vast majority struggle badly with their weight and the resulting adverse health effects.
They mostly have the same problem — they feel stuck.
They’re totally confused with the heaps of “weight loss and how to get fit” advice they read daily online.
They try one thing, such as working out more. But, sadly, that doesn’t help them lose weight.
Then they try another — calorie counting and food restriction while eating the “whole balanced diet.”
Once again, these folks are lied to by the weight loss and food industries, who tell them to eat a wide variety of so-called “healthy whole foods,” but not too much.
Their favorite nonsensical saying:
“ Everything in moderation.”
That’s the biggest joke of all! What is moderation?
I think we all know the meaning, but do you know where to draw a line in the sand regarding how much and what kind of food is still “in moderation?”
The simple answer is NO, you don’t.
Instead, your appetite and urge control your brain while you’re binging on your comfort food — before you know it — oops, you did it gain!
It’s called “food addiction.” You can’t eat these anti-nutrients, even in moderation, unless you become a “non-addict.”
Next, after the brief carb-induced sugar high, the “food coma” sets in, your blood sugar crashes, and you need to lie on your sofa for a rest.
Here are a few examples to ponder with your “whole balanced diet,” loaded with grains, carbs, sugar, fiber, and little protein:
1 — Is eating 2 instead of 4 servings of ice cream a day moderate?
2 — What about having half a pizza instead of a whole one daily moderate?
3 — Let’s try 1 bowl of sugary cereal daily, moderate?
4 — How about 2 instead of 4 bags of potato chips daily for snacks — is that moderate?
5 — Let’s say, 1 bowl of rice and 1 bowl of pasta daily — moderate?
6 — But the odd cupcake, some bread, croissant, sandwich, or a burger consisting of 70% bread surely won’t hurt as long as I go to the gym or do my hot yoga. LOL
I could go on forever. None of the above is “everything in moderation.”
That saying is a great marketing slogan and was invented by the food and weight loss supplement industry, which have brainwashed you!
When people realize nothing is working, they contact me
The other day, I received a lovely personal message from a reader and client in the USA.
“Thank you, Rob. I need to change my life and know the recipe you and Dr. Mehmet describe is right. I believe it has worked for me before. I am addicted to the wrong foods and emotionally addicted. But I can do it.
Just a big thanks for your writing and inspiration!!!” Wendy Meeks
Many call me the Keto King. I didn’t come up with that title, but I must say, thanks, I like it!
Why do my clients and grateful readers see me as the Keto King?
That’s because I spill the beans, on the floor, not in their mouths! I don’t tell lies or fairytales like personal trainers do.
Such as:
“Come and work out with me for 1 hour a day hard at the gym, and you’ll soon lose weight and be in shape.” The non-expert PT
That’s trash talk.
I tell everyone what foods work to heal the body and mind and achieve their optimal body composition, regardless of age.
Like with beans that go onto the proverbial floor, I’m brutally honest about what foods make you fat and sick, ruin your immune system, and will make you a depressed, sad mess.
The bad foods and drinks your body does not need or want, plus are NOT essential nutrients:
- Legumes — beans, lentils, hummus, beans, etc. — the stuff vegans think are healthy and love
- Whole grains & any grain: Wheat, corn, barley, hops, and everything made from them — all are pro-inflammatory carbohydrates that convert to sugar in your blood and make you fat
- Sugar, milk chocolate, candy, cakes, anything sweet and made with white flour — those are heart stoppers and “killer treats”
- Sugar-laden sodas, beer, fruit juices, and almost all fruit smoothies
- Most fruits
- Most vegetables
The good foods and drinks your body loves and thrives on:
- Meat (any color), fish, seafood, and eggs — the more, the merrier
- Parma ham and Speck (organic)
- Cheese, butter, heavy cream, raw milk, high-fat yogurt
- 75% up dark chocolate
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and some more), sweet potatoes
- Coconut water and cooking oil
- Berries — they are low in fructose and high in antioxidants
It’s helpful to source your meat, seafood, and eggs from organic sources. Always try to buy from or as close as possible to the original source.
The thing about fiber
Your whole life, they’ve told you fiber’s an essential nutrient, and you need it for optimal digestion and a healthy gut.
That’s another “food lie.”
The opposite is the case — too many fibrous foods (vegetables and whole grains) rot your gut, which can and does cause diverticulitis and celiac disease.
Both are terribly painful, even life-threatening conditions.
I had a leaky gut for years and lived in pain and on acid blockers to mask the problem until I stopped eating plants and all grains. Like a miracle, it disappeared when I turned keto 8 years ago.
My father suffered from nasty diverticulitis years ago and had to have yards of his intestines removed. Now, he eats much fewer vegetables and is in good health.
Final Thoughts
I am the “keto king” for a reason.
I healed my metabolic and mental health from abysmal to excellent. I’ve done the same for thousands of clients and readers with my personal and online coaching, books, and stories.
I am not an anomaly — thousands have healed themselves by eating the “real healthy diet” and going keto-carnivore.
My experience and evidence are the opposite of anecdotal — it’s empirical evidence that what I do works.
The proof is in the pudding with my many clients, readers, and me.
Give it a try instead of crying out that I’m spreading dangerous claims — another “food lie,” by the way.
Have a great week, and mind what you eat!
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Chosen Stories from Rob Hourmont’s Health Collection on Medium
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and HealthSince I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
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