I love my work — it’s my passion and now my hobby. It’s gratifying to help others learn to lead healthier and better lives. At the same time, it’s frustrating to constantly read flawed and even dangerous “weight-loss advice” by self-proclaimed “experts” with zero qualifications or track records.
Let’s dive right in and set the record straight.
5 pro tips to blast belly fat without dieting → all wrong, misleading
Wrong: According to holistic healthcare experts, the first rule for weight loss is to abstain from fat cutters and diet fads, as neither offers sustainable results.
Right: Protein and saturated animal fats are what your body wants for fuel.
Your body’s preferred fuel source for optimal body composition and metabolic health is fat — not carbohydrates, glucose, and sugar.
Becoming Fat-Adapted and transforming your metabolism and body to burn fat for fuel is the #1 rule for sustainable weight loss and maintenance.
1. Portion control:
No — just don’t eat like a pig.
Instead, eat normal portions — don’t gobble down your food.
Portion control will not help you lose your belly — it only makes you a better human with table manners.
2. Eat mindfully:
“Chew your food well, swallow it and focus on every aspect of it — from the flavor to the texture of the food — this could help one prevent calorie binges.” The Non-Expert
Are you serious? A better term for mindful eating is “eating normally” — not like a piggy!
Once again, “normal eating” does not lead to weight loss.
3. Snacking right:
“Healthy snacks are a must to support weight loss.” The Non-Expert
No, they are not. If you’re eating the right food in the first place, the word snacking becomes a non-starter.
There’s absolutely no need to snack.
Any form of “extra eating” only adds calories and does not aid weight loss.
4. Dodge alcohol:
“It is called a beer belly for a reason — alcohol is a high-calorie beverage that could come in the way of weight loss efforts. Instead, opt for coconut water, as the hydrating beverage is a low-calorie drink best suited for weight loss.” The Non-Expert
Oh, my goodness. When I read this rubbish, I wanted to freak out — thankfully, I’m calm-minded these days and held it together.
Beer is high carb (sugar) and made from grains — yes, beer makes you fat.
Wine is low-carb, and red wine is full of healthy antioxidants. So wine is just fine and doesn’t make you add weight.
Almost all spirits are zero-carb and sugar-free — meaning? Alcohol does not make you gain weight.
Coconut water contains sugar which makes you gain weight, not lose fat!
So, be mindful of the Coconut!
There’s no need to follow this nonsensical advice and dodge your favorite alcoholic beverage if you want to lose weight.
5. Eat the right foods:
“High fiber, high protein, and rich in healthy fats and complex carbohydrates — these varieties of foods are best suited for weight-loss goals. A plant-based diet also works wonders in inducing weight loss.” The Non-Expert
This incorrect claim made me get up, walk around for a minute, and stand on my head to calm down — I was mad at this point!
High Fiber: Humans do not require any fiber. That’s a myth made up by the food industry to sell you their grain, carb, and sugar-laden, cheap, and health destructive fiber-rich foods!
Your digestive system functions perfectly without fiber.
High Protein and Saturated Fats: Correct — that’s all you need to thrive and be healthy for life.
Complex Carbs: Wrong. All forms of carbohydrates convert to glucose in your bloodstream.
“Complex carbs” convert slower but still turn into sugar, then fat.
The excess glucose sends your pancreas into overdrive, making it pump heaps of insulin into your bloodstream to move the sugar (glucose) into your fat cells, called triglycerides.
This process tops up your fat deposits and does not help weight loss — the opposite is the case.
Plant-based diet: No Way, José!
The vegan diet is “the starvation diet.” It contains no healthy proteins — only grain and carb-heavy plant and soy proteins, making you fat and sick.
Please don’t fall for the plant-based craze. It’s a fad — they’re all going mad, and it won’t last long before it’s gone!
There’s your collection of 5 completely flawed, irresponsible, and dangerous weight loss tips not to follow!
5 pro tips to blast belly fat with the right diet — no BS
The biggest misconception about dieting is the word dieting!
The title by the non-expert, “5 pro tips to blast belly fat without dieting,” is false.
That’s where the author slips up, makes a grave mistake, and shows he’s an amateur.
No diet would mean — no food = starvation!
Everyone is on a diet — they just don’t know it. The difference is whether you’re on a good or bad diet.
The definition of a Diet:
“The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.”
Let’s look at 5 weight and belly fat loss tips that work and are sustainable for life.
1. Your food is the natural medicine that keeps you healthy and young, or not.
You are what you eat — and that’s a fact.
If you eat all kinds of food, including pizza, pasta, bread, cereals, packaged, junk, and fast foods, you’re stuck on a low-protein, high-carb, sugar-rich diet.
Making you a “food addicted.”
There’s no way you’ll lose weight, even if you cut your portions in half and starve.
Instead, your brain will force you to keep returning to buffet for more!
The Solution:
Switch to a heart, body, and mind-healthy natural diet, cutting out all processed foods containing grains, sugar, and seed oils.
Go for protein-rich, low-carb meals with healthy saturated animal or plant fats.
Best options: Avocados, eggs, meat, fish, seafood, butter, coconut oil, garlic, onions, chilis, coffee, lemon water, and even enjoy some wine.
2. Daily walking — 10k to 15k steps a day!
Walking is fantastic for your cardiovascular and heart health, and you burn fat and build muscle too.
Walking strengthens your legs, improves posture, is gentle on joints and bones, and boosts your creative mind and positivity!
The Solution:
Lose weight and fat while walking and enjoy your time in nature. That will make you happy too.
3. Swimming for trimming.
Similar to walking, swimming is another excellent low to high-intensity exercise method.
Swimming burns fat because you work out all muscle groups simultaneously.
Bonus points: Swimming is excellent for your heart and cardiovascular system and is therapeutic.
Water therapy calms and opens your mind.
The Solution:
Swim 1 to 2 times weekly for heart-healthy fat loss, and a positive mindset.
You can swim for cardio training, relaxation, or make swimming your sprint workout.
4. Strength train by using your body as your gym.
Working out supports fat loss but won’t make you lose weight on its own.
You achieve weight loss by eating healthy, natural whole foods!
Strength training builds muscles, but it does next to nothing for weight loss.
The Solution:
Use your body as your gym 2 to 3 times per week with the classic exercises that have been around forever:
- Panks
- Push-ups
- Squats
- Lunges
- Pull-ups
That’s all you need — no gym or hard workouts are required to achieve your weight-loss goals.
Instead, focus on heart and cardiovascular health for a longer life.
5. Sprint once a week, up a hill, stairs, steps, or in the pool
High-intensity sprint workouts, as opposed to strength training, burn fat efficiently and for a long time.
However, as sprinting jacks your heart rate up to its maximum, you should only sprint for 12 to 15 minutes per session once a week.
That way, the time spent putting pressure on your heart is kept to a minimum.
You break down the fast-twitch muscles, which then re-build stronger and leaner.
That process takes about 12 hours, during which your body burns fat.
In my book that’s pretty cool.
The Solution:
Sprint, burn your fat and build leaner muscles in one go — win, win, be sexy and slim!
Final Thoughts
Don’t believe what you hear and read about weight loss solutions from self-proclaimed “weight loss experts” with no qualifications or track records.
If someone tells you that you don’t need to go on a diet to lose weight, there’s your red flag, and time to run.
We are all on a diet, always.
Switch to the “proper and natural diet” for sustainable and optimal weight loss and excellent long-term metabolic health.
Try it and see what happens your body and mind in only 1 month.
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