I’ve been studying weight loss for over 6 years. I successfully put what I learned into practice with myself, losing 25kg or 55 lbs. in around 2 months.
I’ve carried on doing what I do ever since, and the weight magically stays off.
Coaching on weight loss, nutrition, fitness, and better lifestyle habits became my new career, which I love, and I’m so grateful to have found.
Since I started on my new path, I’ve coached over 100 people back to health personally, and helped many more online and with my writing, to learn the solutions.
What I’ve noticed is that some folks want success but aren’t fully committed to the changes they need to make.
In other words, they don’t enjoy threesomes!
There’s no secret to weight loss.
Losing weight and finding your fitness again is far more straightforward than you think.
But, of course, it’s overcomplicated by the weight loss and fitness industries, which make billions off you poor bastards out there, trying your best to succeed.
They market thousands of products and services advising you to buy, follow them, and achieve your goals.
In reality, virtually none of it works. They promise quick fixes and solutions to all your health problems. But what really interests them is their bottom line, not you.
Weight loss can only be achieved if you make the necessary changes in your lifestyle and stick to them like a fly on you know what!
Yes, that’s the only way.
And no, hitting the gym hard daily isn’t the answer, nor is ditching the meat or living on the standard western diet.
You’ve got to be willing and able to accept logic and history.
Sustainable weight loss is only achievable if you change your diet and move your ass!
That is the simple and truthful secret to weight loss. Doing one but not the other will help, a little, but it won’t yield the goals you wish for.
The many years of eating crap and not exercising.
Think about that for a moment. Take some deep breaths and analyze yourself and your situation.
How did I get there?
What have I been eating and drinking?
How lazy have I really been?
Okay, now there’s no need to be hard on yourself, as it’s never too late to fix, and the past is the past.
What matters is what you do now and in the future.
Once you’ve honestly analyzed your situation, you’ll see that you’ve essentially abused your body and neglected yourself for many years.
Whatever your goals may be, it takes some time and your 100% commitment to achieve change. That’s logical, right?
There’s no quick fix to weight loss, but there’s a definite mid-to-long term solution for everyone.
The solution is simple.
1. Cut the carbs and sugar
2. Move frequently daily
Cutting the carbs and sugar.
The above 2 are the biggest culprits for weight gain, and, I know, nobody tells you that until it’s too late.
Carb lovers will say you need carbs for energy and to bulk up by weight training. Not true.
Those people think the gym is heaven and all you need to be fit and healthy. Also, not true.
If you’re young and still growing, bulking up and (seemingly) looking fit is easy enough to do with hard workouts.
However, once you reach your late 30s it’s not so simple anymore.
Your food and drink intake have caught up with you, and if on top of that you’ve been a bit of a snail when it comes to your fitness activities, you’re double doomed.
But again, it’s never too late to start and every situation is reversible, as long as you’re willing to do what it takes.
Final thoughts.
You don’t need to buy shakes and supplements — You don’t need to work out like a horse.
All you need to do is be sensible: eat right and move your body a lot.
Take a look back in history and see how our primal ancestors had to live and see if they were fat.
I’ll be your Google for a second: our ancestors had to hunt and gather whatever they could and drag it home to cook too!
There were no carbs or sugar back then.
That didn’t happen until the advent of civilization, when groups of people began to move together, forming villages and cultivating the land.
That also marked the period when folks started getting fat and sick, by eating the wrong foods and becoming complacent and lazy — everything was available in the village, so why move?
Today’s modern society makes the sedentary lifestyle normal, which over the last 50 years has led to a massive health decline globally.
Eat clean, get lean, and move to reach your goals.