It’s stunning how many contradictory claims you can read in a few hours on the same subject. Food.
At the top of the list are the vegans, or rather, the “vegan movement.” They are so convinced that the only way to live healthily is by chewing on plants. It’s astonishing.
Vegans cite studies (vegan-backed) studies and write comments like this:
“I don’t think I have to encourage you all to begin eating more plant foods.”
“If you choose to eat animal products, do so in moderation.”
“If you select an animal protein, try to keep it low fat and consume more baked fish, poultry and eggs.”
“It’s never too late to start incorporating healthy food into your diet.”
“Keep it low calorie, highly nutritious and minimize the consumption of animal protein.”
The 5 above-quoted statements are all wrong. Yet this author doles out the advice as if it’s plain and simple math, and you’d better understand and believe it.
I wish folks who’ve chosen to go vegan for whatever reason, would take the trouble and do some serious research, and study food and human evolution, broadly, rather than from a vegan standpoint.
If they did more of this in-depth studying, they would soon learn the truth.
But no. Instead, these ridiculously false and misleading matter-of-fact statements are made, in view to convince and convert you.
If you fall into the trap and actually follow this advice, you’ll end up sick, low-energy, frequently hungry, eating too often, consuming far too many carbs and sugar, as well as processed grain-based food items.
That cycle will go on for as long as it takes until you realize you’re harming your body and brain.
At that point, just like 85% of vegans eventually do, you’ll turn back to eating healthy animal protein, fats, and eggs.
Going back. Five out of six people who give up meat eventually abandon their vegetarian ways.
Let’s look at the other side of the aisle
Dr. Mehmet Yildiz who is a highly qualified cognitive scientist and technologist made these comments:
In his article, Dr. Yildiz talks about his real-life experiences with food and what happened to his body and mind on the various diets he experimented with throughout his life.
I’ll list a few key excerpts here. Feel free to click the link at the bottom of this article to read the full story. You should, as it’s eye-opening.
Dr. Yildiz landed a job for NATO, and these are the people he met:
“Like my uncle, these professionals had terrific muscles with broad shoulders and no belly fat. Their strong teeth and shiny hair impressed me. I got curious about the secrets behind their physics.”
“I haven’t met a single vegan professional in that organization. I felt like a sore thumb asking for only vegetables during mass meals.”
“When they consume delicious omelets with butter and bacon keeping them vital, I fed myself a bowl of salad keeping me hungry all day long.”
“Meat healed my pain, increased my muscles, and lowered visceral fat from my belly. My bulging belly diminished. Even better, my mood improved.”
Yet Dr. Yildiz still suffered from health issues such as a leaky gut, autoimmune conditions, bloating, and unbearable arthritic pain.
This is what he did:
“The solution was an elimination diet. I needed to customize my diet. The new mentor inspired me to remove vegetables and vegetable oils and replace them with meat and animal fat.”
“There was not a single sick person in the carnivore communities. Ironically my vegan and fruitarian friends were taking sick leaves frequently at the college.”
One of Dr. Yildiz’s readers made this comment in his article:
“I know someone who decided to “reduce” meat from their diet which was already low fat and very fruit- and carb-heavy, and subsequently started experiencing their teeth falling out.
I suspected that it was diet-related and started doing research and found out a lot of what you wrote in this article. The affected person still thinks that I’m a nut for eating plenty of animal fats and meats, but I have a healthy mouth full of cavity-free teeth at age 50+.” Lisa Culton, MD
I believe these statements say all that needs to be said to understand how vital animal meat, fat, and other animal products are to our health and long and disease-free life.
Eating red meat or any meat, fish, and seafood does not increase your chances of heart disease or stroke. Several scientific studies have rejected this long-standing incorrect belief in recent years.
Instead, you’ll develop healthy cholesterol values with a high HDL (good cholesterol) and a low LDL (bad cholesterol) counts by living the Carnivore-Keto lifestyle.
Much like Dr. Yildiz’s experiences, mine were similar, and difficult. It took me many years to unravel what was going wrong with my health, and weight, and why I was suffering from some awful illnesses and pain.
None of my doctors could understand my ailments, and no medication or even a serious surgical procedure helped me. The only thing that did was when I studied food, and the effects food has on your body and mind.
Once I’d learned and digested the incredible truth about food and how conventional wisdom tells us to eat wrongly, I immediately changed my diet.
I lost the excess weight of 60lbs. belly fat and eliminated my multiple pains and illnesses. I saved my life by going Keto-Carnivore and nobody will ever be able to tell me otherwise.
I suffered from insomnia, intense acid reflux, massively painful migraines, depression, and was constantly catching the common cold. I was in a mess.
Once I changed my diet to Keto-Carnivore, all my ailments disappeared within 2 months. That was in 2016. I haven’t ever looked back. I never put on any weight or fat again. And, I’ve not been ill since!
Here’s what the Keto-Carnivore diet makes you immune to:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Lethargy
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dry skin
- Tooth decay
- Cavities
- Food addiction
- Anorexia
- Gout
- Migraines
Final Thought
I’ve been lean, free of excess fat, and healthy for over 7 years since I’ve been living the Keto-Carnivore lifestyle.
Between the age of 28 to the age of 46, I became fatter and fatter. I lost my energy and spark for life and I was constantly at the doctor’s office with another problem and leaving with more medication.
I was depressed and had no will to live.
As soon as I changed my diet and lifestyle habits, my world changed — I began to live again. I haven’t been on any meds since I came off the 10 plus I was on back in 2016/17.
My sleep is much better, my focus clearer, I walk a lot daily, and keep my exercise routine super simple with basic bodyweight workouts.
Life is easier, simpler and I’m healthy, which is why no vegan can tell me my diet and lifestyle are wrong.
Please read Dr. Yildiz’s full article here:
Please also read this story about my journey on the Keto-Carnivore Lifetsyle.
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