The Bali Beaches, the Mountains, the Volcanos, Waterfalls, and so much more take my breath away every time I see them!
Everybody talks about Bali’s beaches and the south of Bali where they go to “party” and watch the sunset! Very few of the millions who visit Bali actually get to, or take the time to see the “Real Bali” or, should I say, “the Stunning Side of Bali! – inland and everywhere else!
It’s not hard to do; all you need is a motorbike, a car or a driver, and off you go – in 1 to 2 hours you can see the most beautiful things this planet, Bali and Indonesia, has to offer! Nature at it’s finest! I talk about nature and “Living a Healthy Life by Following Natural Principles” as far too few folks make an effort or attempt to go and explore nature and the gifts the Universe has given us!
If you are in Bali now or will come soon – as I/we hope so many of you will again very soon, come and join me, Rob from, to take some beautiful adventures and nature trips. Along with my wonderful local Balinese friends, I will show you the “Wild Side” of Bali, which will simply take your breath away!
Spend time on the beaches, restaurants, bars, and local “Warungs”, sure, but don’t miss out on Bali’s genuine GOLD – inland and everywhere else!
I wish you all a wonderful Sunday and a super successful and happy week ahead! May the World and our environment, and our people soon heal from all the problematic issues we’ve of late been facing!
Upwards and onwards, folks! Positivity will always win and always get us to where we want to be, happy!
All the best,
Rob Hourmont