Wherever you go in the word and no matter the color of folks’ skin, your will always see one common denominator across the globe.
Kids, teens, young and older adults gulping down their favorite beverage, Coca-Cola.
People drink it as a so-called thirst quencher when in fact the drink only makes one thirstier and longing for more.
That’s because it’s loaded with sugar, caffeine, and several other questionable ingredients that release toxins and free-radicals in your bloodstream.
What are the effects of Coca-Cola on the body and brain?
- Gives the mistaken impression that you’re dampening your thirst, when the opposite is the case.
- You become more and more dehydrated, irritated, and nervous.
- Addiction sets in and you always want more.
- The excessive amount of sugar triggers your pancreas to work overtime with the release of vast amounts of insulin to remove the sugar from your blood.
- The insulin pushes the sugar into your fat cells (triglycerides), which makes you gain weight on a daily basis.
- The daily weight gain and insulin production can eventually make you insulin resistant, with you becoming diabetic, potentially obese, and contracting high blood pressure.
- That process weakens and lowers your immune system which makes you become frequently sick.
- The release of free radicals into your bloodstream can cause cancer over time.
- The constant consumption of high-sugar drinks such as Coca-Cola also leads to tooth and gum decay.
Note: The Coca-Cola Classic Coke 330 Ml Can (1 can 330 ml) contains 37g total carbs, 37g net carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein, and 150 calories.
As a general rule, there’s 10.6g of sugar per 100ml of Coca-Cola Classic.
A single large serving could max out the number of processed calories that you’re allowed in a day! And that’s just counting the average amount of calories for a relatively healthy person. www.foodchamps.org

Please also read my related post here:
Final Thoughts
Your “refreshing” drink of Coca-Cola is a sugar bomb! Just one can maxes out your daily allowance of “processed calories,” which in reality should truly be zero!
It also piles on the carbs, which are converted to glucose in your blood, i.e., more sugar!
For those who follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, such as the keto, carnivore, or paleo diet, one can of “Coke” will already shoot you over your daily maximum carb allowance intake of 30g.
Drinking Coca-Cola or any sweet soft drinks is certainly not recommendable to anyone, whether you are young or older, skinny or overweight.
Question: Is it responsible and ethical for high-paid athletes, singers, and other influencers to get paid by these beverage giants to promote the “diabetes in a can drink” to unsuspecting fans, which helps to make them sick and overweight?
I believe it’s terrible and shouldn’t be allowed. People need “food education” not more “food lies!”
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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