Carbs and fiber are non-essential nutrients — in fact, they are primarily anti-nutrients!
It baffles me that we still must discuss carbohydrates and fiber as a vital food group.
I’ve been a keto-carnivore for eight years and don’t touch any carbohydrates, hardly any fiber, and zero sugar.
Let me be clear: Carbohydrates means any food processed from grains, OK?
To all of you non-experts out there who keep telling me that eating carbohydrates is necessary for the body and brain, you are wrong — 100% incorrect!
The human body and brain do not need or want to be fueled by anything made from grains, fiber, or sugar!
Everything made from grains, such as pizza, pasta, potato chips, rice, cereals, bread, and the rest of the processed packaged foods are junk, but so is a lot of fibrous food.
No, you do not need fiber for a healthy gut and digestion — the opposite is true.
That’s another Big Food Industry myth that makes you think you must “eat the rainbow” and buy more fruits and vegetables for a “healthy whole balanced diet.”
Wrong again!
So again, your body does not need greens or fiber to be healthy. Your body needs meat — protein — animal fat, and water! Period.
Let’s take a quick look at some key American Health Associations
Whenever I say in my stories that these processed carbohydrate-laden foods are terrible for your health and cause diabetes and obesity, I get pushback from people who believe in the big American Health Associations.
And, of course, you’ve been brainwashed into believing the old food guidelines that these so-called “health associations” and the governments have put out.
The facts:
1 — Carbs convert to glucose in your bloodstream.
2 — Glucose is sugar.
3 — Sugar makes you fat and sick, which leads to heart attacks and strokes.
Let’s take a quick “insider’s look.”
- The American Heart Association receives funding from companies like PepsiCo, Kraft, and Domino’s Pizza.
Those 3 food and beverage giants sell almost nothing but junk and sugar-laden “fake food.”
- The American diabetes association receives funding from General Mills and Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola makes the most atrocious soft drinks full of sugar, which causes diabetes, obesity, miserable lives, and, eventually, heart attacks and strokes.
General Mills is one of the biggest cereal makers and other highly processed grain sugar-laced junk foods. Almost everything they produce makes you sick and can kill you.
- 40% of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics funding comes from Big Food companies.
These commercial organizations play a huge role in food policy and are the cause of people’s poor health!
What you believe to be reliable organizations and associations recommending you how to eat, in truth, are not so great let alone reliable.
Please don’t believe them anymore — they don’t have your health at heart or in mind. They only care about funding and their profits. That’s why they rely on the Big Food industry to support them.
The food giants are deeply involved in every government’s nutritional guidelines handed to the people — mostly, they are wrong and unhealthy.
There is no need to debate whether we need carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar to live a healthy life.
It’s settled — your body and mind would love to live sugar, carb, and fiber-free, for good!
Why don’t you give your system a break for a month or two and eat meat, eggs, seafood, fish, and butter? If you do, you can thank me for this advice later!
The SAD and BAD Standard American Diet
Over multiple decades, they created an extensive setup to control us and what we eat for the benefit of big food companies and their profits.
Big Pharma, Big Medical, and Big Insurance closely follow Big Food, for PROFITS!
They are all connected to making humans sick because of toxic junk food and drinks they say are “okay” for you, which is untrue.
Then, when it’s too late, and you are insulin-resistant, diabetic, and possibly obese, they rush in to patch you up and…and make more Money!
This affects about 95% of the worldwide population, who are food addicts.
These poor folks cannot pull themselves off simple things like pizza, pasta, bread, and candy.
The food industry has purposely made them food addicts with its nasty, nutrient-poor, sugar-laden items, so they continue to return for more and more!
This is all government-sanctioned in the US, Europe, and most other governments worldwide. They do not care what you put in yourself and how it harms your health.
No food company, government, or health association cares about your health, well-being, and life. Think about that for a minute! The only thing they want is to sell whatever junk they make.
What do the government and associations want?
–> Funding and as much tax money from you until you die!
That, my dear friends, is the truth and a fact of life. The sad but true reality we live in today.
My heartfelt advice to you is:
1 — Please go food shopping and buy healthy meats — beef, chicken, pork, fish, seafood, lots of eggs, and butter.
2 — Cook your food at home — eat as much meat and butter as you wish.
As a keto-carnivore, you can also enjoy a few other things, such as:
Berries, coconut oil, cheese, coffee, wine, a few vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and one of my favorites, high-fat homemade yogurt, which I mix with full-fat milk and 36% heavy whipping cream — it’s delicious!
Please read my related story below:
Final Thoughts and Message
I’m here to help people heal metabolically and mentally. I’m also here for you to become stronger and live a long and extraordinary life, which I plan to do too.
Be safe, and live well.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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My E-Books:
Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
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The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
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The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
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