314 mass shootings so far in 2022 in the United States of America. A country that calls itself “free” and “the land of the free.”
I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem so free to me when kids go to school to get murdered, and the rest of the kids countrywide live in fear the same might happen to them.
Families get mowed down by a 19-year-old boy firing an assault rifle from a roof during a 4th of July parade. A day that’s supposed to mark independence and peace.
It starting to feel that this freedom thing is now enabling sick people to freely shoot innocent people at their whim. They may be thinking, ok, I’ve had enough of all of these folks, I’ll just go out and shoot some.
After all, assault rifles are FREELY available to a 19-year-old drop-out clearly harboring mental issues that are known to the police.
The next thing, of course, is the term, copycat crime.
When mentally unstable people see others committing a crime, they are motivated and given the confidence to copy it.
“If he can do it, I can do it. Why not? I hate them all, after all,” would be their thought process.
The authorities, especially the police, well, everyone with half a brain, knows this copycat crime issue is very real.
The Mentally Sick
America is a big country with a population of 230 million. Mentally ill people exist in every single country, worldwide, not just in the USA.
Let’s make a guess and say 1% of the population is mentally unstable. That’s potentially 2.3 million people. That’s a big number. If they are all crazy enough, they can simply walk into any gun store nationwide, buy rifles in 5 minutes and go on a killing spree.
Think about that. The situation, if not contained could become much, much worse.
The Republicans then turn around and say the mass killings are clearly a mental health issue and that’s what we must try to fix, but not the gun laws.
Oh no, don’t ever touch the gun laws in the land of the free! The 2nd Amendment is my constitutional right!
No, No, No, Mitch McConnell, you are absolutely wrong, as is everyone else that claims the mass shootings are down to mental health problems, and not the gun laws.
You are lying to yourselves; you are lying to your voters, and you are lying to your friends and family by holding your selfish and, frankly, extremely outdated, radical views.
No gun laws are the culprit
These views, the NRA, and the lack of appropriate gun laws are the real and clear problem.
The whole world is watching America, as one mass shooting after the other happens, and wonders if it will ever do anything about it and protect its citizens.
Kids, 10-year-old kids being shot in school, people. That’s what we are talking about here. It’s not just terrible, it’s a scandal.
It’s not right, it’s not fair and it’s not acceptable.
My 2 kids, who are American citizens, live in the US. One’s in college, the other in High School. There already was a shooting in 2021 at my son’s college where one student was killed.
I worry every day that the same thing could happen to either of them. Both cities that they live in have enough of the potential lunatics living there where this could happen.
Learn from other civilized countries
Why can the US not come around to the reality and take a page from other countries that successfully managed to stamp out mass shootings?
Australia and the UK massively restricted gun possession after they experienced their last mass shootings. Ever since then, there have been no more incidents in either country.
You can still buy guns there, but only for hunting purposes with rigorous background checks and formalities to obtain a license.
All other civilized countries in North America and Europe have the same laws, and there are zero mass shootings.
Do you think there are no mentally unstable people in Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, etc.? Of course, there are, they are everywhere. Mental health issues are a serious worldwide problem.
They simply just cannot buy guns!
It is that simple. They cannot buy guns.
Final Thought
This is the only way to stop the mass killings in America — massively regulate guns and ban rifles altogether!
If you don’t want to do that, then you are actively encouraging lunatics to shoot innocent kids. You are not respecting the freedom of free movement and safety in the USA.
Under strict regulation, those who qualify to have guns could still have them.
So, what are you worried about?