What if there was a flood of positivity coming into your day- multiple emails, posts, texts, calls, and meetings that had nothing but nice things, positive feedback, and encouragement handed to you?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could build something like that in just a few minutes and make it last forever?
Unfortunately, life isn’t that simple, and things never go in one direction only. There will always be twists and turns, setbacks, positives and negatives.
The important thing is how you decide to handle the outside unimportant noise. Let it suck you in, or turn away.
If the bad news, such as negative comments, drama, criticism, and controversy, is manipulating you into a state of unhappiness and lower productivity, then simply turn it off! That means your SMARTPHONES!
There’s no requirement that the smartphone in your pocket or the people you encounter change your mental state for the worse.
That’s why keeping some distance and stepping back for a few moments daily is vital for mental clarity, a positive mindset, and good health.
There’s growing evidence that smartphones have led to a significant decrease in optimism and life satisfaction, particularly among young people.
The Good and Bad About Smartphones, Social Media and The Addictive Apps! Please watch my short observational YouTube Video
Just look around wherever you may be – all teens, younger adults, and even older ones are consistently on their phones taking selfies to post on their social media feeds to gain that desperate need – attention, and compliments.
But it’s not the phone that’s the problem – it’s the attention given to it, and the apps.
And that was exactly the intention of the companies that created our smartphones apps, manipulating the user’s senses into an addiction.
Is there a solution to this ever-growing problem? Of course, there’s always a viable solution. The question is only whether the affected recognize their addiction and want to change.
In most cases, they do not.
Final Thoughts
A swimming pool like this would be a great place to start! Photo by Rob Hourmont
An effective way around this issue is to note how much time you spend on your smartphones daily and then match that time with walks, swims, or time in a peaceful place called nature!
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