I used to be a professional ski racer until I crashed, and it was over.
The beginning of my health decline goes back to when I was 26.
I had violent acid reflux attacks, which became so intense that I was rushed to hospital several times with painful stomach cramps while vomiting, and then passing out.
The doctors couldn’t figure out what was happening and didn’t know why I had these extreme reactions.
Finally, they diagnosed that my esophagus closing muscle was broken, likely due to the pressure from years of overtraining, and that was the reason for my reactions, they said.
That’s just one of the kinds of damage professional sports can cause.
The Surgery.
An operation called “Nisan Fundoplication” was performed. I woke up feeling awful, and it took me one year to recover and eat solid foods again.
Not only wasn’t I able to eat, but the attacks got worse just one day after surgery.
The doctors couldn’t make head nor tail of this.
But why was this happening?
It happened because I was put straight back on the Standard American Diet and fed bread, cold cuts, pasta, rice, and so on.
I now know that my stomach, intestines, and organs were in a state of significant inflammation due to my diet. I had celiac disease (or leaky gut), causing the nasty fits.
Sadly, a hazardous operation that cost me one year of my life in recovery time solved nothing.
It was all down to the food and beverages I was consuming.
The doctors didn’t realize that because, frankly speaking, doctors are educated about medicine, but not about food!
As the operation hadn’t worked, and I eventually started to eat the same diet again, the acid reflux returned sooner than a year later.
The Medication.
I had to go back on the pills, taking proton pump inhibitors, which block your acid. I stayed on these tablets for close to 20 years until the stroke, and changed my diet, lifestyle, and life.
After I stopped taking the meds, I found out that these medications could increase the risk of stroke by 20%.
Read about the risks of proton pump inhibitors here.
What followed after surgery was a long steady decline in my health.
Simply because doctors didn’t bother to analyze my lifestyle or diet, or didn’t know, didn’t care, and possibly preferred to go the medical band-aid route to make money.
Band-aids are short-cuts, and short-cuts don’t work.
You must find the root of your problem, understand it and then know how to fix it.
The Perfect Storm.
Instead, surgery and medications are the order of the day; the medical & pharmaceutical industries flourish, as does the food industry, while they continue to deliver their poison to you.
A perfect storm, starting from the food industry, the government, and their Standard American Diet, lying to folks about what they should eat while promoting poor processed carbohydrate, sugar-laden, and deep-fried foods, as “healthy.”
They are collectively making people sick!
The Standard American Diet recommends processed carbohydrates as the primary food group and even moderate sugar consumption.
Sugar is a poison, and highly addictive.
Carbohydrates turn into glucose in your bloodstream (sugar) and make people sick and overweight.
Do this Instead.
Educate yourself about your food, don’t take shortcuts, and exercise daily for a healthier you and a better life.
I haven’t eaten any wheat-based foods or sugar for 7 years now, and I also haven’t used any meds since then, nor do I have acid reflux or violent fits anymore.
I think that says it all.
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