This story aims to inform and educate about vital facts and the health hazards caused by consuming seed oils.
If you follow the right health professionals on Twitter, you’ll see all of them sending the same essential message.
Eliminate SAD foods from your diet. SAD stands for the Standard American Diet, which, indeed, is sad!
The main food ingredients to avoid are:
- All forms of grains: wheat, barley, rice
- Sugar
- Seed oils
And everything made with those items.
The next obvious culprits to remove are:
- Fast Food
- Junk Food
The other day a disgruntled reader messaged me saying I was wrong and that not all PUFAs are bad.
Well, let me tell you, I’m a metabolic health coach and nutritionist. I’ve been at this game since 2016 after I had a stroke and was terribly sick.
My health got so bad that I almost didn’t make it. That was until I discovered and studied ancestral health and the keto-carnivore diet.
In addition, I learned a much more effective, time-saving exercise method and began practicing meditation.
I very much know what I’m talking about when it comes to nutrition, food, fitness, and well-being.
Back to the Seed Oils
Medical doctors have joined the ranks and are telling their patients to avoid these oils at all cost. However, most aren’t clearly speaking out about why, nor are they providing the scarily dangerous details of what seed oils do to your body.
I decided it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty and lay it all out for you. You’ll be a little shocked at what you read because you’ll realize you’re always putting this stuff in your mouth.
But don’t worry, as long as your metabolic health is still in decent shape, once you know the facts, you can avoid seed oils most of the time — and I have a hack for that.
Let’s dial it down
The most dangerous items you can eat are high polyunsaturated vegetable oils — found in:
• Heavily processed snacks or frozen foods
• Deep-fried items
• Assorted packaged snacks and baked goods
• Margarine spreads
• Bottled vegetable oils (canola, corn, safflower, etc.)
Chemically altered partially hydrogenated trans fats are created by heating seed oils at high temperatures and mixing them with toxic chemical solvents to render them solid.
They do this to increase shelf life and not enhance flavor.
Refined vegetable oils oxidize to form free-radical chain reactions that damage cell membranes and other tissue in the cardiovascular system, immune system, nervous system, and brain.
Consumption of these items is long since associated with cancer, heart disease, obesity, inflammation, and accelerated aging.
These oils simply shouldn’t be consumed. That’s well and good, but when you consider that at least 60% or more of the processed, packaged, frozen, and junk food items in a typical supermarket contain these ingredients, it’s hard to do.
In addition, every restaurant worldwide cooks your food in these toxic oils. All salad dressings (except for Olive Oil) and condiments, like ketchup, are made with these oils too.
Because these refined high polyunsaturated seed oils are consumed in massive excess in the modern diet, the health problems they cause are staggering.
High polyunsaturated oils are missing hydrogen atoms — making them unstable and prone to oxidate easily — burn!
When exposed to heat, these oils burn and contribute to inflammation and free radical damage.
In addition, refined seed oils are so unstable they can even oxidize when exposed to air, light, or moisture.
Therefore, consuming these oils in any food promotes oxidative (free radical) damage to cells and tissues inside the body.
Over time, free radical damage causes premature aging, skin disease, heart disease, liver damage, immune dysfunction, and even cancer.
It’s known that excess intake of these seed oils, comprised primarily of omega-6 fatty acids, contributes to systemic inflammation — internal swelling.
They inhibit the conversion of short-chain omega-3s into long-chain omega-3s, forming inflammatory eicosanoids in tissues and displacing anti-inflammatory omega-3s.
Once you eliminate refined seed oils and dangerous chemically altered fats from your diet, you can cook with temperature-stable saturated fats that will not oxidize.
These healthy saturated fats are:
- Coconut oil
- Butter
- Ghee and other saturated animal fats
- Bacon grease
Extra-virgin olive oil and avocado oil — popular monounsaturated fats — are best consumed with salads or for meals that require only brief and low-temperature cooking.
Seed oils are bad fats and bad news! The sooner you take note of this fact and stop using them entirely, the better your health will be in the long term.
The oxidative damage they cause upon ingestion is directly linked to heart disease and cancer, and you’ll find many medical doctors online confirming this.
Eliminate toxic foods to protect yourself from the damage they cause:
- All foods containing refined high polyunsaturated oils and especially partially hydrogenated trans fats
- Buttery spreads and sprays (Smart Balance, Promise, Country Crock, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter)
- Bottled vegetable/seed oils (canola, cottonseed, corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, and peanut oils)
- Fast/frozen/deep-fried foods, baked goods
- Margarine
Eating out at restaurants
As mentioned above, eating out is a problem because all kitchens cook with seed oils.
The only way to protect yourself from consuming them is to ask the chef to prepare your meal in butter, coconut oil, or ghee.
Often restaurants don’t carry these oils because they are more expensive, unlike the cheap seed oils. That would hurt their bottom line.
That’s where you run into a dilemma in restaurants. Eat your food smothered in toxic seed oil, or leave.
The solution
You may not believe me, but this is true. I’m always eating out during the last 2 weeks as I’m traveling. I ask them to cook my food in butter or coconut oil — 9 out of 10 places don’t have either.
So, I bought a bottle of coconut cooking oil in the supermarket, which I now take with me every time I eat out.
The service staff and cooks are always a little baffled at my request because they don’t know why or what I’m on about when I try to explain.
So now I simply say I’m allergic to every oil but coconut oil. And it works — they happily make my food with my oil and then return the bottle.
The other alternative is to enjoy only grilled or BBQ meals when eating out.
Final Thoughts
It’s essential for your health and longevity to avoid oxidized — burnt — foods. In most cases, you think you are because your food doesn’t look or taste burnt.
But the devil is in the detail— seed oils are hidden everywhere and tucked away in almost every food, snack, dessert, or chocolate you can buy.
If you don’t believe me, go to your local supermarket and read the ingredients label. I promise you’ll have a hard time finding anything processed and packaged that doesn’t contain seed oil.
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness and Health
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The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
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