It’s true, it’s true! Is it?
I’ve learned a stunning lesson in the last year. I must have been very naive, as I believed people mostly speak the truth. The opposite seems to be case. You really can’t believe a word you’re told. Well, almost.
Maybe it’s just bad luck or coincidence that I’ve crossed paths with two terrible liars.
In an earlier article, I wrote about “5 Brutally Hard Facts You Need to Know About People.”
These are:
- Lies
- Narcissism
- Selfishness
- Deception
- Judgemental
The worst is listed as No 1 for a good reason.
Lying or making up false stories/claims usually involves other people. It’s often intended to benefit the liar and harm the other party.
And that’s the big problem.
Lying about what another person may or may not have done, to blacken their name, get them in trouble, slander, and defame them, well, that’s a rather “bottom-feeding” thing to do.
The person making up fantasy stories behaves like a diseased sewer rat running around crazed, dazed, demented, and desperate.
The stunningly stunning part is how these people make up seriously heavy lies, with no evidence to back up their story, and then repeat the lies, again and again, both to you and others. As if they are facts!
That’s the moment you know you’re dealing with someone who’s lost all sense of reality and has a mental problem.
This has occurred with two people who used to be close to me. They both turned on me due to jealousy and because they didn’t get what they wanted out of me.
So it’s only two incidents. But they do spread the fake news, and others repeat it.
That’s where the real issue lies — deflecting the lies and getting the truth to be heard and believed.
Lies are often more dramatic and exciting to believe than the truth.
How to deal with the Liars and Lies.
The two I’m dealing with in this regard have a mental illness. One of them has been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic.
“Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.”
Schizophrenia can result in a combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking. And that, my friends, is how the lies are explained.
They just can’t help it.
This person likely doesn’t know they’re lying. Their schizophrenic mind creates their delusions, which they see as reality.
Next, the more they repeat their stories, the more they settle into their brain as true!
And there’s little to nothing you can do about it — whatever you say correcting the false claims, they’ll only come back at you with more abuse and lies.
Therefore, the best and only method to deal with this kind of situation is to be calm, not to engage or argue with them.
The ranting and raging emails will keep coming — just collect and save as evidence.
I’ll write a brief email reminding you about the truth and what happened from time to time — factual, business-like, and professional.
Stating the reality in one professional note is necessary to make the demented person understand they’re not getting at you or winning.
It also sets the record straight for future use, if necessary.
In the end.
Nothing will change that person’s belief system or approach, but slowly you may break them down using this method in the hope they’ll eventually stop the lies.
But then again, maybe I’m being delusional now — after all, I’m talking about two bipolar and schizophrenic folks.
Both conditions can’t be cured — but they can be treated.
However, that requires someone to get through to them and for them to accept they need help — that’s near impossible.
The senior doctor in charge told one of these people the diagnosis and that they required permanent treatment and therapy.
That said person now denies any of it to be true!
Be careful out there, and stay positive, truthful, and honest. That’s what I do, and it helps.
Thanks for reading,