The scaremongering and blatantly false information pushed daily by the “anti-camps” and fanatics is fascinating.
“Do what we say — we know the only way. If you don’t, you’re killing yourself and the planet too.”
The anti-life-fun camp!
It’s all a farce, which you must ignore. Continuously reading these misinformed statements gets boring and annoying.
I’ve been an avid keto-carnivore for 8 yearsover now — I’m 54 and healthier than when I was 24. That says a lot, believe me!
I get more than my fair share of lectures and attacks about my diet, which is always funny and at the same time bewildering.
They go as far as to claim that my advice is so dangerous I may be killing my readers if they follow it!
Wow, thanks! However, I know I’m right and they are wrong.
My work helps people lose weight, keep it off for good, become stronger, and live healthier and happier lives.
It doesn’t harm or kill anyone!
Here are some of the “anti-camp” mantras I often read:
- Alcohol, even wine, will make you an alcoholic and kill you!
- Don’t you know cheese will ruin your cholesterol levels and give you a heart attack?
- How can you advocate chocolate as a “nutritionist?” It makes people fat and obese?!
It’s a never-ending story with these types. They believe in something, and that makes them right. No matter the evidence against their views.
To hell with that!
Let’s look at the excellent health benefits of red wine, cheese, and dark chocolate:
1 — Red Wine
Right off the bat — red wine is loaded with antioxidants.
Antioxidants are vital to fighting off free radicals, which cause cancer in your bloodstream.
Multiple toxic foods you consume form free radicals causing cellular damage, often resulting in cancer. Some of the primary ones are seed oils and cigarette smoke!
Red wine’s most prominent antioxidant is resveratrol — one of the most potent antioxidants.
“Resveratrol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to protect you against diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. The anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol make it a good remedy for arthritis and skin inflammation.”
“Resveratrol is found in peanuts, berries, and grapes. It is also found in red wine in higher amounts.”
Scientific evidence confirms that resveratrol can prevent cardiovascular disease, lower blood vessel damage risk, and reduce bad cholesterol.
What more needs to be said?
More benefits of red wine:
Keeps your Heart Healthy
These powerful antioxidants help keep your blood vessels flexible, which prevents clotting.
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
Resveratrol lowers your blood glucose levels and helps reduce high blood pressure.
Helps Prevent the Common Cold
Free radicals play a substantial role in catching a common cold. The antioxidants in red wine help fend them off.
Less Risk of Depression
Studies have shown the moderate consumption of red wine by the middle-aged to elderly can keep depression away.
Red wine makes you happier!
2 — Cheese
Cheese is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
The human body is made of protein, fat, and water. That makes cheese an excellent source to consume these vital nutrients.
More benefits of cheese:
Vitamin K2 — helps your body coagulate blood, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Calcium and protein support bone density, build stronger muscles and help reduce high blood pressure.
Linoleic acid found in cheese helps lower inflammation and may prevent heart disease and obesity.
Probiotic bacteria in cheese are known to improve gut health and digestion.
3 — Dark Chocolate
No, you don’t have to completely give up chocolate if you want to lose weight and live a long healthy life.
You only must switch from milk chocolate to 75% plus dark chocolate.
The darker, the more cocoa, delivering a powerful punch of antioxidants for your health!
As with red wine and cheese, you must be vigilant that you don’t overeat dark chocolate.
It still contains sugar, which will cause weight gain and other health issues if consumed excessively.
For that reason, I suggest you follow this simple rule and rhyme:
A little bit of wine, cheese, and chocolate will make me look and feel just fine!
More health benefits of dark chocolate:
Highly Nutritious
- 66% of the DV for iron
- 57% of the DV for magnesium
- 196% of the DV for copper
- 85% of the DV for manganese
- Heart-healthy fatty acids
Powerful Antioxidants
Dark chocolate is loaded with active compounds that form antioxidants.
The primary ones are polyphenols, flavanols, and catechin.
According to research, these antioxidants can lower “bad LDL” cholesterol and triglycerides (fat levels).
The reduction of bad high LDL levels can result in less oxidization in the bloodstream, which may lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Dark chocolate contains tons of super healthy inflammation-fighting nutrients.
Make sure you go for the good stuff, 75% cocoa or more, and don’t overindulge!
Final Thoughts
There’s no need to be shy or scared, depriving yourself of some of the most delicious and healthy foods and drink!
Don’t let the nay-sayers, anti-alcohol, anti-cheese, and anti-chocolate camps tell you otherwise.
They have their agendas in mind, not your health and happiness!
My least favorite word in the dictionary is “moderation,” along with the saying, “everything in moderation.”
Everything in moderation doesn’t work — it’s a flawed concept that will lead you to consume plenty of unhealthy food and drink.
However, when it comes to red wine, cheese, and dark chocolate, I must advise caution and to please enjoy them in limitation and responsibly.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
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