Spending quality time in nature is the best thing we can do for our health and wellbeing.
I’m always talking about how important it is to keep moving, especially walking and exercising healthily. Spending time in nature is simply one of the best things we can do for our mind, body, and soul.
Nature’s gift.
Just by being in nature and walking around, taking it all in, you are exercising and living well. Breathing clean, fresh air, enjoying the sights and sounds of waterfalls, rivers, birds is natural healing for your mind.

You can see fruit growing on trees, even pick some to eat right there or take home. You may also end up petting pigs or goats! Now that is living life, or as I like to call it, living well.

The healthy life.
Living a healthy life is all about looking after yourself. Taking time out to exercise, relax, and, most of all, to connect with nature is the key. Most of us don’t spend enough time in nature. We let our daily life responsibilities at work, home, and with our families consume our time, and control our lives
Life’s responsibilities can be draining, if we don’t pay attention to and look ourselves. The result can be stress and anxiety, as well as poor physical health. Not exercising enough, in combination with poor eating habits, add to the physical problem. Before we know it, there goes our health and wellbeing!

Taking control of our health.
We can, however, control our health if we make small efforts and get outside more, exercise, and eat well. If we make a more significant effort and go deep into real nature, to explore, the benefits are amazing!
This short video shows the highlights of our day spent in the mountains in Munduk, Bali. It’s incredible how much you can do in just 24 hours if you set your mind to it!
Live-Well, get out into nature, explore, breathe, and soak it all up!
I hope you enjoy watching it, and I hope we can inspire you to be active, get outside and move.
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Rob Hourmont.
Former Olympic Athlete & Certified Health Coach.
“It is my mission to educate people on how to lose weight, how to build a healthy, strong heart, body, and mind, supporting a longer life.”
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