If you spend more time in Nature, life will be better!
Nature is always calling us, but we mostly don’t listen. The only way around that problem is to grab yourself and your partner by the hand and say, let’s go into nature! We try to do this at least once a week, and it’s priceless!
Priceless for your health, for your cardiovascular system, for your mind and your relationship. Mother nature is there to help us, heal us, and make us stronger. Get out of your concrete jungle and find your life.
Spending only a day or two in the outdoors works wonders on body and mind. Simple exploring, walking, or even daydreaming will do the trick. Of course, the more you move and challenge yourself, the better! Get outside and enjoy this world!
When we go out into the wild, we make a point of savoring it and making the most of every minute. We also relax and kick back after we have hiked a mountain or completed a 6-mile walk in the forests. The point and message here are:
You may feel tired and think you must lie down to recharge. The truth is the opposite, you need to move your body and mind, and if you can do that in a natural and healthy environment, all the better!
It’s not always easy to get out of your comfort zone and make the move into something new, I know. But, the only way we can achieve that full recharge, mentally and physically is to break away from the daily chores, even if it’s the weekend, is to escape into tthe country, or mountains. No matter where you live, you can do it, you just need to try.
Enjoy the video and thanks for reading!
Rob & Mariyam