That’s why I called my blog, Robs Health Crunch. I crunch down all the noise and nonsense about fitness, food, and well-being, tell you the truth, and show you how I do it!
Almost every day, I churn out my “reality show “ so you can see how simple, effective, and efficient my methods are.
If you follow my training methods, you’ll never injure yourself or cause heart disease by overtraining, as many fitness fanatics do.
If you combine my food plan and eating habits with my fitness/movement methods, you’ll soon gain optimal metabolic and mental health and achieve your body goals.
My workout methods may appear strenuous and/or time-consuming to you.
However, I can assure you they aren’t nor do they require much of your time.
I’ll explain:
The Sprint Training: You’ll complete a super effective, fat, and fast-twitch muscle-burning session of 6 sprint sets within 12 minutes.
• The fast-twitch muscles re-build stronger and leaner
• The re-building fast twitch muscle process burns fat until it’s completed — that’s 12 to 14 hours of extra fat-burning after the session is done
• 12-minutes per week of high-intensity exercise will not cause heart disease — 6 hours of high-intensity strength training per week will
Do you see the massive advantage your weekly sprint sessions serve you?
The best, safest, and most efficient sprinting methods are:
• Swim Sprints
• Hill Sprints
• Step or Stair Sprints
In that order, and here’s why:
Swim Sprints: Put zero pressure on your joints or bones — optimal.
Hill Sprints: The incline reduces the impact on your joints and bones — semi-optimal.
Step Sprints: Less stress on joints and bones. Yet, you can’t move as fast as with the first 2 methods — making step sprinting less efficient and effective — sub-optimal, and hard to do. Sprints in the mountains at Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Video by
Sprinting Explained — The microphone was off during my sprint sessions. benefits of sprinting explained. Video by
The Bodyweight Strength Training: I always train intuitively — I never plan a session.
When I feel like dropping to the ground and pumping up my body, that’s what I do — on-the-spot bodyweight training.
My micro-workout sessions only take between 10 to 30 minutes at a maximum.
I strength train 2 to 3 times per week — some weeks, if I don’t feel like it, I don’t strength train at all. Instead, I add more walking time.
Why do I sometimes ditch strength training?
If my mind isn’t in the mood for resistance training but is enjoying walking, I sense that — so I follow my gut and mind.
That said, at times, I head out for a 45-minute walk and find myself knocking out a super-set micro-workout of 7 high-intensity bodyweight moves in 15 minutes.
Go with your flow and gut!
The Cardio Training Trick: Many say cardio workouts don’t work for weight and fat loss goals — and waste your time.
They claim strength training is far superior.
They’re dead wrong. If you maintain a demanding daily weight-lifting routine, you’re ruining your heart by flooding it with cortisol — your stress hormone.
There’s a word for that in the dictionary — it has serious consequences for your health.
You should all look it up and memorize the meaning and potential effects.
Don’t worry — I’ve done it for you — here it is:
Overtraining Definition:
“Train or cause to train excessively.”
What does overtraining cause?
“Overtraining can result in mood changes, decreased motivation, frequent injuries, and even infections. Burnout is a result of the physical and emotional stress of training. Overtraining syndrome happens when an athlete fails to recover adequately from training and competition.”
What are the health risks?
“Chronic extreme exercise training and competing in endurance events can lead to heart damage and rhythm disorders.”
There you have my “secrets” to building and maintaining a lean fat-burning muscle-machine body, which further massively strengthens your mind.
You boost your confidence, productivity, clarity, decisiveness, reliability, willpower, and determination. You worry and stress less, sleep better and just get shit done!
Final Thoughts
Are you tired of not succeeding with your weight loss and body composition goals?
Are you frustrated with all the mixed messages you receive about what diet or food is healthy or not?
Are you tired of shlepping yourself to the gym for an hour a day and not seeing the results you want?
I know how you feel — I was in the same boat until I changed my diet, movement routine, and lifestyle 7 years ago.
Now I’m in great shape, healthy, and happier than I’ve ever been in my life at age 53.
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Please download my E-Books for your health:
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. Since I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
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