People always complain there’s so much conflicting and confusing information online about what diet works best for weight loss, building strength, a positive mindset, promoting healthy living, and above all longevity.
You can’t be blamed for not knowing what or who to believe today.
Folks will try one diet, for a week, then hop on another diet hype, or even try veganism for a while.
The result is predictable: They give up and go back to their old eating habits that caused their weight gain and multiple ailments to begin with.
The “biggies” are:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Obesity
- High Blood Pressure
All 3 can and will eventually lead to premature death by either heart attack or stroke.
That’s the reason the world’s No 1 cause of early death is obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which has seen a dramatic rise in the past 3 decades.
Statistics show that around 75% of the whole American population is overweight and suffers from related illnesses and rapidly declining health.
“Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the U.S. In fact, the sudden loss of all heart activity causes more than 356,000 deaths, including 23,000 young people under 18, according to the American Heart Association.”
It doesn’t have to be this way. This dire health situation could easily be reversed naturally, without using pharmaceuticals.
What’s the Underlying Health Problem?
Big Food – Big Pharma – Big Medicine – Big Insurance – Big Government…
…do not want this to change.
They are not interested in your health. They are only interested in growth, huge profits, and your tax dollars.
Take me as an example and empirical evidence:
I was fat, very sick, on 10 meds, and extremely depressed until 8 years ago.
I became that way by consuming the Standard American Diet for most of my life (SAD), with 80% Carbs, 10% Protein, 10% Toxic Seed Oils, and next to no nutrient-dense Animal Fats.
In 2016 I suffered a stroke, which shook me to the core forcing me to research and learn about the main cause of strokes, instead of constantly visiting my doctor asking for more meds for my next ailment.
I quickly learned the truth about carbs, sugar, seed oils, and the path back to health:
They transform to sugar, causing constant insulin dumps into your bloodstream, which then pushes the remaining glucose into your fat cells – Triglycerides – resulting in insidious weight gain, constant health issues, insulin resistance, and generally, metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes:
- Abdominal obesity: Having excess fat around the waist, also known as an apple-shape
- High blood pressure: High blood pressure over time can damage the heart and lead to other health problems
- High blood sugar: Mildly high blood sugar can be an early sign of diabetes
- High triglycerides: Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood
- Low HDL cholesterol: HDL is sometimes called the “good” cholesterol because it helps remove cholesterol from your arteries
The Life-Saving Keto-Carnivore Diet
This event made me rapidly change my lifestyle by finding the superior diet for humans that our primal ancestors lived off healthily for thousands of years – it saved my life.
Since then I have eaten about 90% meat, fish, seafood, and eggs. The remaining 10% is butter, coconut oil, cheese, cream, lime, coffee, some lectin & phyton-free vegetables, herbs, and spics.
What do lectins and pythons cause in humans?
“Insulin-dependent diabetes therefore is another potential lectin disease and could possibly be prevented by prophylactic oligosaccharides.
Another suspected lectin disease is rheumatoid arthritis. The normal human IgG molecule possesses carbohydrate side chains, which terminate with galactose.”
Lectin and phyton-free foods:
- Avocado
- Asparagus
- Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables
- Celery
- Cooked sweet potatoes
- Garlic
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Pasture-raised meats
- Eggs
- Fish
- Seafood
Movement for your health
I’m very active and try to walk 10.000 to 15.000 steps a day, train 3 to 4 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes with bodyweight exercises, and swim sprint 1 to 2 times per week in the pool.
I keep everything simple and fun to do. I never set foot in a gym anymore and always try to work out outdoors or in my apartment. That’s how simple my methods are, and they work
The Health E-Books:
In The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible — I show you all my training methods with tons of photos, videos, and written information, including educational pieces.
This is the only book you need for optimal training that focuses on protecting your heart and overall health. My methods are fun, fast, and save time.
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…
In The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health, I explain in simple terms how to successfully lose weight, get fit with simple movement methods, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
You will enjoy your new habits so much they will become your hobbies!
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. Since I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide — explains how to live the keto-carnivore lifestyle simply, easily, and affordably.
You’ll learn my simple shopping, prepping, and cooking methods and how to spice and mix up your food using only a few ingredients.
I give the recipes for my favorite dishes, which I make throughout 1 month. You’ll also learn how to save money by buying cheaper meats that are as nutrient-rich as steaks. So no, you do not have to buy steaks daily and break the bank doing so!
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
Please click the links to read the descriptions and then download your copy — start your new journey to excellent health, increase your longevity, and boost your confidence and happiness.
In Conclusion
It’s not that hard to fix and regain optimal health naturally if you are correctly informed. That’s my aim – helping people worldwide become healthy again, without meds, just with clean and real food.
I’m always happy to answer any questions you have. Please feel free to contact me.