You can spend all the time telling yourself and trying to convince others that the vegan diet is the only healthy and sustainable way to go. But you’re not going to change the fundamental facts about the nutrient content of food or what the human body requires to live a healthy life.
By being vegan, you’re misinformed about plants and grains being healthy when the opposite is often the case, and you’re lacking vital protein and fats.
You’re also misled into believing you’re saving the planet and not responsible for the death of animals.
The Truth about Mono-Crop Farming
• Kills the organic topsoil and nutrients
• Heavy farming equipment kills millions of insects and small animals every year
• Toxic weedkillers like Roundup and other chemicals are sprayed on the plants by plane
Your corn, soy, salads, and other vegetables have been grown using chemicals, which you are now consuming. Bees, scores of other insects, and small animals have died to cultivate plants and grains.
In addition, much of the world’s corn and soy are fed to livestock, not humans, in Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, or CAFOs. And CAFO-raised cows, pigs, and chickens represent an almost limitless market for these crops.
In other words, mass mono-crop farming makes most of its profits by selling its products to the concentrated factory meat production industry, which vegans unknowingly support.
Now let’s look at the nutrient differences between plants, meat, and animal products
Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein
- Essential amino acids — Lacking amino acids
- Bio-available nutrients — Hard to access nutrients
- Has essential fats — no or little fats
- No indigestible fiber — Hard-to-digest fiber
- Complete protein — Incomplete protein
Plant-based foods typically provide less complete protein nutrition because of lower digestibility and source-specific deficiencies in essential amino acids, compared with animal proteins.
→ Protein can’t be obtained in sufficient amounts from any plant sources.
→ Fat can’t be obtained in sufficient amounts from any plant sources.
→ Essential Nutrients can’t be obtained in sufficient amounts from any plant sources.
Animal protein is broadly recognised as having higher nutritional quality than plant-based protein.
Humans have evolved by eating meat for millions of years- there’s no denying that.
Proteins from animal sources, particularly dairy proteins, are important for providing adequate nutrition for human, particularly infants for their cognitive and physical development.
You can keep believing the plant-based diet is adequate and even healthier than the keto-carnivore meat diet — it’s not.
Your cells are made of protein — without protein there’s no life — protein is the building block of life.
If you continue starving your body and mind of the vital nutrients animal meat and fats provide, you’ll become frail and sick. If you’re lucky, and it’s not too late to save your metabolic meltdown, you’ll turn back to eating meat.
An estimated 84% of people who try a vegan or vegetarian diet go back to eating meat.
That’s an overwhelming percentage of folks falling off the vegan wagon and hitching their ride with the meat train instead.
What may be the solution to all the plant-based misunderstandings?
1. The massive mono-crop farming could be stopped and reversed into organic vegetable or animal farming.
2. The CAFOs and inhumane treatment of the animals could also be replaced with only organic and animal farming.
3. The animals would lead a healthy and happy existence, plus people wouldn’t eat meat from animals fed growth hormones, steroids, and other chemicals.
4. The plants you want to consume will arrive chemical-free and not damage your body and mind with toxins.
Please read my related story here:
Did You Know Red Meat Is Very Inflammatory? The Thought Of Red Meat Inflames Vegans!
Final Thoughts
I also don’t enjoy the thought of killing animals for our consumption. However, that’s life, the food chain, and nature.
Humans require animal protein and fats to live a healthy life and thrive.
That’s the way it is, always was, and how it will stay.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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