It takes a massive non-stop effort, devotion, creativity, endless time, and energy to be successful and make money with any business — online or offline.
Please don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Buying their expensive “how to easily make a fortune online courses” won’t help you either.
99.9% of those courses are designed for one thing and one goal only — for the creator to make the bucks, not you!
I’ve been in business for over 30 years and know the good and bad deal!
Working online to make money!
I’ve spent the last 8 years writing blogs about health and fitness, as well as life ebooks, and working in digital media. As a result, I self-taught myself everything I know today, which is a lot.
As a blogger, author, digital marketing guy, and online coach, I’m now making a decent income — after some 6 to 8 years, no less!
So, the truth be told — it didn’t happen overnight, not by a long shot — it took me years to get to where I am today, doing it all alone!
Long hours, endless research, devotion, passion, and the will to stay the course were my recipe for success — and not getting sucked into the traps so many try to sell you online about how easy it is to make money!
Am I making “big money?”
Not even close.
When I say it’s a decent income — that’s what it is. I’m making enough to live a comfortable “minimalist life,” — which is what I want and love these days. I’m not shy to admit that either, as I don’t care.
My showing-off and big-spender days are long gone — since 2014, to be precise.
I sold my houses, cars, and boats and closed my businesses.
Initially, not because I wanted to — the financial crisis forced me to, and then I wanted nothing more to do with the big business world.
I made some money from selling and closing shop — but it definitely wasn’t worth the years I spent burning my candle on both ends as well as my funds!
To make a long story short – how I lost a lot of money!
I rose too high and flew far too fast into the future without seeing how I was harming my health and financial future.
Finally, I crashed and burned and had to start from scratch with a totally new career path I’d never imagined I could make and succeed in.
But boy, I saw the opportunity to change and put my all into my new life — and I’ve made it work.
So, after being relatively wealthy and successful for years, I fell hard and was forced to start over again.
I explain my whole story and crazy ride in my latest E-Book:
Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
I wrote my new E-Book, “Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands,” to inspire others to make the most of life and not…
All of this came to my realization in 2015/16 during my divorce mess with my then-wife of 18 years.
“Oh gosh — what a mess I’ve gotten myself into.”
I finally admitted to myself one morning, looking at my sad and tired face in the bathroom mirror.
Most of my funds were gone — I had no work, no life, and was a depressed, sad mess with no future in sight at 45.
Funnily enough, when I reverse those numbers today, as I’m 54 — I’m happy, at the top of my health and game, making a decent income with my online work while helping others live better lives.
For me — that’s job done.
But, I won’t rest.
I’ll continue my mission to better myself and help as many folks as I can worldwide to do the same and rock on!
Final Thoughts
None needed — all’s been said!
Follow your instincts and passion, listen to your gut, and admit if you’re on the wrong track and change — it’s never too late.
Making money on- or offline is not easy, for anyone!