My subtitle sums up how it is. I could end this story here because that’s all you need to know.
However, I wish to tell you about my life-saving backstory, how I changed my body and mind by practicing positive thinking, learning about the Law of Attraction, and putting it into action.
I went through a hellish time between 2013 and 2016–3 years of full-scale depression, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and multiple illnesses requiring up to 10 different meds.
The final straw was a stroke, a small one, but still a stroke.
My metabolic health was blown as I was overweight and always falling sick — meaning my immune system was shot.
Of course, you’ll seldom realize or accept that your mindset is a mess — instead, you blame others for the continuous adverse developments in your life.
The ultimate blow that pushed me far down the dark rabbit hole was when my wife of 18 years filed for divorce in December 2015.
Our marriage was loving and caring for at least 15 to 16 years until I went downhill.
My bad moods, depression, negativity, and even anger at times were spinning out of control. In time, that became unbearable for her.
I thought she wasn’t helping me to overcome my difficulties and didn’t care — there were other issues too. That only made me increasingly upset, angry, and disappointed with life.
I blamed her for my downfall in business and life and my poor health.
The sudden divorce action shocked me. But, in retrospect, once I fixed my mental health and healed my body and mind, I realized she was not to blame — I was.
Although her behavior wasn’t the kindest, in the end, I wound up with a smashing life because of it.
Stumbling upon the law of attraction
After the divorce and the dust began to settle, I took swift action to heal my mess.
I did this by studying nutrition, lifestyle behavior, and mental health.
In addition, one day, I received an email suggesting I read the book:
“Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
It was a random message from a book app on my phone. They couldn’t have known my situation, but like magic, the helpful book popped up on my phone. It was fate and meant to be.
After reading the description, I bought a copy and finished it in 2 days.
I was amazed and fascinated by the idea and the concept of thinking good thoughts and asking the universe or your god for what you want, how to improve your fortunes, and build an exciting future full of love for life!
Changing my mindset and behavior to positive thinking and eliminating negative thoughts by replacing them with good ones worked wonders for me.
Walking while practicing positive thinking, affirmations, and asking for what I wish from life to come to me
By then, I’d already discovered taking long walks in nature was therapeutic and made me feel much better.
Positivity slowly crept back into my life by walking in the forest!
When I added my positive affirmations and asked what I wanted to change and achieve in life — which I’d do during my 1 to 1.5-hour walks — my mindset transformed from negative to positive within 1 week.
It was an astonishing transformation of the mind, which helped me upgrade my body and soul too.
Think positively about your now, and strive to do your best in the future
After embracing the law of attraction and positive thinking, I came across another highly inspiring and motivating self-development book:
“Think and Grow Rich”
Napoleon Hill
“Success starts with believing in yourself. A big part of the Think and Grow Rich secrets have to do with believing in yourself without fail. Once you decide on a goal, nothing should stop you from believing that you can achieve that goal.”
That statement couldn’t be more true.
If you’re drifting and drowning in doubt, and self-pity, have no idea what you want from life and lost your self-confidence — you’re done for!
“You’re up the creek without a paddle,” as the saying goes, or “left out to dry.”
While Napoleon Hill’s book is a bit far-fetched at times, it does teach you the most valuable lesson about life —believe in yourself and your abilities at all times!
I’ve followed the teachings and advice of both books ever since.
The result: My life went from terrible to fabulous within only 1 year!
I didn’t receive or achieve all I wanted in that period — not by a long shot — but I began to change, and my life improved by the week.
What I asked for and what I’ve received
1 — Work I enjoy and am passionate about — I got that in 2016!
2 — To be happy again — I’ve been happy now for 6 years.
3 — Live in a tropical country and feel free — I did that in 2017.
4 — Make a decent income working for myself — while I’m not rich (yet), it worked, and I’ve become financially independent again.
5 — Fully regain my mental and physical health — I fixed both within 3 to 6 months from when I started my transformation.
6 — Find a beautiful woman I love and can spend the rest of my life with — pretty much done.
Final Thoughts
Turning your life from negative, boring, and disappointing to positive, exciting, and full of joy and happiness is easy but not simple.
I did it, so can you, if you understand how stick with the new “life plan” and commit 100%.
Start today — the Power of Attraction works if you set your mind to it and pursue it as your essential daily mental health training — a vital health nutrient.
Food for thought!
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Please download my E-Books for your health:
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and HealthSince I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
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