If you’re constantly changing things, then you’ve simply got your goals all wrong.
But don’t worry, you’re not alone – 85% or more people worldwide suffer the same dilemma.
It’s called the “herd mentality” and makes most physically and mentally unhealthy and stressed.
Being stuck with the herd is never going to help you improve your quality of life – what will is knowing it’s never too late to change your lifestyle and make it the absolute best it can be.
All you need to do is understand what’s good for a healthy body and mind. Then, join the “15% healthy, happy, and thriving club” and adjust your lifestyle, food, and exercise choices.
I’ve got good news for you: Changing your lifestyle choices and habits from self-destructive to optimal is easy and fast to achieve!
But there’s a catch! You must be willing to ditch a thing or two from your life for this to work:
Here’s my list of goals I made 8 years ago and have successfully stuck to ever since, without ever cheating!
Pro Tip: “Cheat Days” are a myth invented by the weak who are still sugar-dependent!
1 – Eat more meat, seafood, fish, and eggs
2 – Shop and cook my own food
3 – Consume no carbohydrates or anything made with grains
4 – Eat few vegetables, only some of the cruciferous kind, and absolutely no legumes
5 – Cut out sugar 100% in every shape or form
6 – Stop eating fruit except berries from time to time
7 – Drink less alcohol, only red wine
8 – Exercise smart and efficiently while protecting my heart health by walking, swimming, light bodyweight training, and swim sprinting
9 – Spend lots of time in nature and the water
10 – Write and read more
11 – Meditate, practice self-love, positive affirmations, and serve others daily
Get Outside into Nature Wherever You Are and Walk!
Why did I make these 11 vital choices and goals for my life?
I was in a terrible metabolic and mental health state 8 years ago, going nowhere but down the rabbit hole.
Thankfully, I got lucky. By chance, I received a random email that helped me find the answers and solutions to escape from my trap. That was undoubtedly a fortunate stroke of serendipity that changed and maybe even saved my life!
MY HEALTH AND HAPPINESS RAPIDLY IMPROVED once I understood and started implementing my new life goals.
I lost all my excess weight, became fit and strong in body and mind, and my life became amazing again.
It was almost as if I went back to my teenage years when I was a professional skier traveling the world, doing unimaginable things, and loving life!
More than that – I pulled myself out of the toxic money-making rat race and now live how and where I want, in peace and harmony.
That sense of freedom and achievement makes you feel whole and alive again – nothing else matters!
Please also read my related story about life and self-improvement:
Final Thoughts
Please don’t stay trapped in a life you don’t like or even hate. That’s not the way it’s meant to be.
I know life isn’t easy, and we all face unexpected challenges that can be tough to overcome. However, you can step back and analyze what’s making you unhealthy and unhappy, write it all down, and then commit to change.
That’s really all it takes, besides understanding what foods and drinks are good for you and not! That is one of the most important lessons to learn in life: How to eat “real healthy food” and not get sucked into the toxic sugar and carb-laden nutrient-poor junk food most people live off today.
If you can’t drag yourself away from unhealthy foods and drinks, your life will never get better – that’s a fact!
Go and travel the world, explore new places, do new things, start a new career, and challenge your mind.
Why? Because you are better than you think, and you certainly deserve the best out of your life.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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My E-Books:
Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
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The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
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