If that’s what you’re frequently doing, then you’ve got your goals all wrong.
But don’t worry, you’re not alone. 85% or more people worldwide suffer the same dilemma.
It’s never too late to change and make your life the absolute best it can be.
All you need to do to leave unhealthy choices behind and join the healthy, and happy club. To achieve this, take a deep look at your lifestyle, food, and exercise choice
I’ve got good news. Changing your lifestyle and habits from self-destructive to positive is easier than you may think.
But there’s 1 catch! You must be willing to ditch a few things from your life.
Here’s my list of 10 goals I made 8 years ago and have successfully stuck to since:
1 — Eat more meat, seafood, fish, and eggs
2 — Shop and cook my own food
3 — Consume little to no carbohydrates.
4 — Cut out sugar 100% in every shape or form.
5 — Stop eating fruit (except berries).
6 — Drink less alcohol.
7 — Exercise smart and efficiently while protecting my heart health.
8 — Spend plenty of time in nature and get some sunshine.
9 — Write and read more.
10 — Love yourself more and try to help others daily.
Why did I make these my 10 vital choices and goals in life?
I was in a terrible metabolic and mental health state 8 years ago, going nowhere but down the rabbit hole.
But, thankfully, I got lucky. Someone (by chance) sent me an email that helped me find the answers and solution to escape from my trap.
Once I understood and started implementing my new life goals, everything rapidly changed.
I lost all my excess weight, became fit and strong in both body and mind, and I turned my life around.
It was almost as if I went back to my teenage years when I was a professional skier traveling the world, doing unimaginable things, and loving life!
That sense of good health, freedom, and achievement makes you feel whole again.
Final Thoughts
Don’t stay trapped in a body, mind, and life you don’t love. That’s not the way life is meant to be.
I know life isn’t easy, and we all face different challenges. However, you can step back and analyze what’s making you unhealthy and unhappy.
Once you know what that is, get moving, leave your old lifestyle behind, and start a new one.
Go and travel the world, explore new places, do new things, start a new career, and challenge your mind.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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My E-Books:
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