Does that sound like a pipe dream? Maybe it does to some or even most. But let me tell you, you can do it if you want it badly enough.
So put your head down, get your shit together, clean up your act, and take massive strides to live your dreams.
Sure, it’s easier said than done. I went through hell for several years until I found my calling, passion, and happiness again.
Even once I had, it took years to reach the point where it started to pay and make enough income for me to live off.
What makes you happy might not pay the bills, but if you keep doing it, it will eventually.
My Demise
In my 30s and 40s, my health declined — I put on weight and became very sick. I ended up on the operating table. It took me 1 year to recover, which was awful because I could barely eat.

At 46, I had to have my right knee replaced with a titanium knee.
Recovering from that huge intervention, where the doctor rips out your knee and chisels away at your bones to cement the new knee together, was a brutally painful challenge.

Next came my divorce, followed by deep depression and unhappiness.
One day, I finally looked in the mirror and told myself I had to take action, change, and find purpose in life or be stuck in this hell forever.
The Phoenix Rises from the Ashes!
1. Diet
First, I studied nutrition and completely changed my diet. Within 2 to 3 months, I lost the excess weight of 60lbs., and the internal gut inflammation — known as bloating.

2. Fitness and Movement
At 18, I was in the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary and competed in Slalom skiing, finishing 21st. That was the best result ever achieved by a Brit.
Going that far in professional sports is hard and takes its toll — thus, the injured knee. But it gave me deep knowledge of sports and how or not to train.

If you’re a young professional athlete, rigorous daily tough training is sustainable, although it’s not healthy.
But when you age into your 30s, 40s, and 50s, it’s far better to exercise moderately.

3. Seeking Adventure and Paradise
I decided that I needed more than changing my diet and workout program. What I desired was a total change of environment.
My dream was always to live in Bali, ironically, where we went on our honeymoon in 1998.
So I did — I took off for Bali to fulfill my dream and find happiness.
In Bali, I developed my unique health coaching program based on natural and healthy foods, special workout methods that are easy on your body, and focus on heart health instead.
I took meditation classes and became a Balinese Meditation Teacher.

All of these developments increasingly improved my health and mindset.
4. Coaching
Once I was ready and could credibly show my skills, I began to coach people back to health. Every student achieved their weight loss goals while building lean muscle and a stronger heart.
Coaching and helping folks gave me immense pleasure and filled me with happiness.

There’s nothing more fulfilling than doing work that heals people and makes them happy too.
5. Writing
Along my journey, I began to write blog posts for my website to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle.
To my great surprise, I discovered I loved writing so much that I finally made it my primary profession. Writing is now my main income stream, and I love it.
I’ve written over 1000 stories in the last 3 years and 600 hundred so far in 2022.

I write a lot, between 3 to 5 articles a day. Some days more. I write and publish more than 5000 words daily on my health blog, Medium, and Newsbreak.
Every day when I sit down to write, I’m inspired, motivated, and grateful to do what I’ve discovered to be my calling and passion.
- Coaching people to health
- Writing about health, fitness, healthy nutrition, life lessons, self-improvement, wellness, and travel
- Educating folks who want to learn about the real effects food has on your body and mind
I’ve made my dream come true, found my little paradise, and made it my Kingdom of happiness.
Final Thoughts
There’s a catch. What I did wasn’t simple or easy. I took a massive risk and went out on a limb with no income, no guaranteed work prospects, and nowhere to live. I didn’t know a single person where I was going.
I started alone, from scratch, and I made it. Things were up and down for a long time.
My income was coming and going as clients came and finished the program.
It took me 6 years to get to where I’m comfortable today and generate stable and decent earnings.
But I loved every step of the way, whether forward or backward, and I never gave up on my dreams.
Today at 53, I’m fitter, healthier than ever before, and I’m exceedingly grateful and happy.
If I can do it, so can you.
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