We all have good and bad days — that’s unavoidable and is called life!
Much of what happens in our day is in our hands to control, even though we cannot prevent others’ behavior and bizarre challenges that can land in our laps.
Of course, your actions, choices, and decisions can also cause these problematic situations, without you knowing.
That’s the point and the reason for this story.
Here’s an excerpt from my new E-Book:
“Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands.”
It vividly highlights how I turned a horrible day into an amazing one!
For most of my life I’ve been self-employed. Only once did I accept to be employed and work for a large corporation. That was hell!
Down and out, I was struggling to get on my feet when I moved from Bali to Florida. My cash flow wasn’t good — clients for my health coaching program trickled in very slowly.
At age 49, I took a degrading job as a floor salesman at a sporting goods store. I had an interview with the store manager — he was a pleasant guy and took an instant liking to me and offered me the job.
We were of similar age, yet I was far more experienced than him in sales, business, and sports. I was clearly overqualified for the job, and we both knew it.
I explained I would only stay for 3 to 6 months until I got my coaching business up and running, and I was back on my feet — he agreed.
The show began the following Monday. I met the assistant manager — what a nightmare that was. This sad excuse of a man was anxious, stressed, and constantly rude to the staff, including me.
Wait for this shocking part and show of awful behavior!
He was 20 years younger than me, a total prick, and impossible to please, getting off by treating employees like crap and acting like the big boss.
He was a nightmare, to say the least, always angry and a creep. Customers hated him too. How he could hold down his job was inexplicable to me.
As you might imagine, I didn’t last long in this job. Finally, after 2 weeks of harassment, nasty snidey comments, and accusations to my face or via the radio to all the staff by this incompetent man, I had had enough.
I took my radio and name badge off, dropped them to his feet, told him he was an asshole, and to fuck off. Then I walked right out the front door.
The last thing I remember was the staff clapping and cheering, shouting — “Well done, good on you, Rob!” That was a satisfying and inspiring moment.”
Rob Hourmont
The moral of the story
I didn’t accept the abuse — I was miserable, because of this nasty man, despite the fact that the rest of the team was great.
However, enough was enough, and so I said NO!
You can work with a crew of 40 highly engaged and motivated people, but if there’s one big ass ruining your day every day, you must get out and run!
Treat your staff well and let them enjoy their days & life:
1 — Don’t be a dictator.
2 — Be friendly, respectful, and kind, not aggressive or self-absorbed.
3 — Do not EVER criticize a team member in public or on a radio that everyone can hear.
4 — That’s abuse and unacceptable behavior for which you should be sacked, and I hope you have been by now!
Having a great day and life is simple – be mindful, aware, and active in life
1 — Get up early and go for a fast-paced sunrise walk.
2 — Enjoy your coffee or tea and water.
3 — Meditate for 10 minutes and practice positive self-talk telling yourself how much you love YOU and what you want to achieve.
4 — Be grateful for what you have — you don’t need much other than a healthy body and mind.
5 — Eat real food, not processed carb and sugar-laden junk.
6 — Cook your meals at home, and save money — eat slowly and savor every bite.
7 — Work on your body and fitness daily by walking, swimming, resistance training, yoga, or mobility work. It doesn’t take much time and will make you feel great.
8 — Send some time in the sun, without sunscreen! Most sunscreens are toxic, so enjoy an hour in the sun shining on your skin. It brightens your mood, and you tank up your vitamin D — an essential hormone.
9 — Take rest breaks every 2 hours.
10 — Read, write, and talk to people close to you. That inspires and frees your mind.
Final “Life” Thoughts
Every day can be great if you set your mind to it. Even if you experience setbacks and challenges. Then you will live a wonderful, healthy, and happy life.
At the end of the day — it’s all in your mind and your hands. You have the tools to make life great.
Make sure you use them wisely!
Pro-Tip: Spend as much time in nature, walking, working, talking, swimming, biking, or just relaxing. Nature will always set you to remind straight and install positivity.
It’s quite simple to make your life great if you guard your mindset and stay happy and optimistic.