It’s often hard to understand why some folks keep going at me, claiming I’m wrong when all I’ve done is prove it over time with Empirical Evidence.
The Meaning of Empirical Evidence:
“Empirical evidence is the information obtained through observation and documentation of certain behavior and patterns or through an experiment. Empirical evidence is a quintessential part of the scientific method of research that is applicable in many disciplines.”
With my transformation 8 years ago, I’ve proven how to lose weight and become metabolically and mentally healthy with ease.
But not only that — I’ve introduced multiple medical doctors and other health and weight loss experts who show the same results and evidence as me!
I’ve presented videos by well-known PhDs and real-time human studies by the American Association of Nutrition.
I show photos and videos of myself and the mentioned doctors. It’s clear how fit our bodies are and how our faces shine with vibrancy and life!
However, no matter what I write, say, show, or do, it’s not enough for carb, sugar, and fiber lovers, or simply put – the brainwashed!
They insist we are all wrong, our bodies will soon break down, and we will all die of a heart attack or stroke!
The answer is always the same – you are wrong!
Once you’ve been brainwashed, it’s almost impossible to remove that delusional state of mind and see reality again.
Here are some quotes and examples:
“To make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them.”
“Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values, and beliefs.”
Let me clear up the misconception of the brainwashed and misinformed about carbs and sugar:
1 — The leading cause of both heart attacks and strokes is obesity.
2 — Obesity is caused by consuming too much glucose — sugar — and processed low-quality, carbohydrate-laden foods.
3 — Glucose is rampant in your bloodstream and transported by your insulin into your fat cells, making you fat.
4 — Excessive amounts of glucose (sugar) in your blood leads to calcium buildup in your arteries — plaque.
5 — That leads to “sticky” and congested arteries.
6 — Cholesterol — the vital “transport” hormone cannot flow through your system and gets stuck in your blocked veins — of which there are many.
7 — Whether it’s your good or bad cholesterol (HDL or LDL), both can and do get stuck and cut off the blood supply to your heart and brain.
8 — That’s the moment your brain or heart goes “pop,” and you are toast!
I believe in having made the steps clear for all to understand.
Now, let’s look at the other side of the boxing ring — the keto-carnivore diet & the active lifestyle
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again and again. I’ve been on the wrong side of the ring, so I know how I felt and how sick I became!
I was overweight, ate everything, and was a carb, sugar, and fiber addict.
That resulted in a stroke in 2015 —thankfully, I survived without lasting adverse effects on my body and mind.
I was a metabolic and mental health wreck. However, I wanted to live, not die, and not give up on life!
So I changed my ways and transformed my metabolism to fat-burning with the keto-carnivore diet by removing all carbs, sugars, fiber, grains, and anything made from it.
I began only eating real, unprocessed meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and other products containing healthy fats – coconut oil, dark chocolate, cheese, whipping cream for cooking, butter, yogurt, and berries.
Within 2 to 3 months, I lost all the excess weight and cleansed my system of the toxic substances that made me sick.
People often don’t believe me when I tell them how I changed and how long it took.
But that’s how it is, and the 100% truth is: It only took me 2 to 3 months for me to ditch my “bad food addictions” and reclaim my health, body, and mind.
It’s not as impressive as it sounds — it’s called nature.
I learned what foods and drinks were destroying me and got rid of them.
Since then, my body has been lean and fat-free, my blood flows as smoothly as the Amazon River, it’s also clean, and my brain functions better than ever too!
What do I eat and drink?
- I eat 90% meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and some select vegetables
- Cheese, yogurt, butter, cream
- I drink a ton of water, coffee (cappuccino, yes, it’s fine), tea, and a little red wine with my dinner
That’s it.
Please watch my YouTube video where I interview a Cambodian lady about work, fitness, food, and a healthy lifestyle:
How’s my lifestyle? I do these simple things daily:
- Move a lot by walking and swimming
- Strength train by using my body weight as my gym in nature – with calisthenics
- Sprint up steps or in a pool 1 or 2 times per week
- Sleep more, don’t watch TV or party
- Write, read, and talk with people
- Cook my food at home
- Get plenty of sunshine
- Meditate and practice positive thinking and affirmations
If I could start and follow these methods 8 years ago and keep them up until today, so can you.
Please also read my related story:
Addiction To Carbs, Fiber, and Sugar-Laced Junk Foods Make You Sick Can Kill!
Final Thoughts
I know it’s hard to come around to the fact that carbs, fiber, and sugar are non-essential, and can even be damaging nutrients because mainstream media and old-school nutritionists keep telling you they are part of a “healthy balanced whole diet.”
They also always say, “everything in moderation,” eating a “whole balanced diet” is best, and you will be healthy and fine.
That’s a blatant lie – you/we have all been misled for decades because of shoddy science and the food industry purposely misleading us to buy their heavily processed, high-carb, and sugar-laden sludge food!
Eating animal protein, fat, eggs, healthy fats, cruciferous vegetables, and dairy products is the natural way to live a wonderfully healthy, happy, and longer life!
Try it for a month or two and see how you feel.
I’m here to help. So please feel free to contact me anytime for free health advice.
Please subscribe to my blog here for the best health, fitness, food, and lifestyle information.
Or contact me on WhatsApp here!
Please download my E-Books for your health:
Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
I wrote my new E-Book, “Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands,” to inspire others to make the most of life and not…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…