The extreme anti-meat eaters don’t accept or care about the amount of evidence you present.
It’s sad but also funny. They like to call the evidence I’ve provided over the last 8 years “anecdotal.”
One of my readers pointed out that “anecdotal” seems to be my new favorite word.
He’s right. I don’t think I ever used that word in the past, as it’s a pretty irrelevant thing to say.
Why? Because if you call someone else’s knowledge and experience anecdotal, it’s your subjective opinion of someone else’s life, of which you have no clue!
The meaning of the word anecdotal:
“Of an account: not necessarily true or reliable because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.”
And now, the meaning of evidence:
“The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.”
I’ve been practicing the keto-carnivore diet for 8 years, I recovered from a near-death scenario, and have had excellent health ever since.
Even if we base the study just on me and my self-improvement, what makes it invalid or “anecdotal?”
Is it a fact or not? It is a fact, and thus counts as empirical evidence, not anecdotal!
My life story serves as “real-life and real-time” proof, evidence, and time-tested facts.
But not just that — there’s a lot more.
1 — The unique aspect of my story is that it’s not unique at all. I see this happening everywhere. When someone’s desperate and running out of hope, if they try my method, it works, always!
2 — I’m the guy they call to lose weight and regain their physical and mental health. If you follow my program and the simple rules, it works every time for everyone, without exceptions!
3 — Once you’re on the keto-carnivore diet for 1 to 2 months, you will see and feel amazing results. Next, it becomes your passion, with you turning your life and health around.
4 — So why go back to your old ways and ruin your health again when you’ve learned the keto-carnivore diet works like clockwork?
5 — My in-person nutrition and movement coaching has helped hundreds back to health – and a few more hundreds with my books and online coaching.
These are all facts that add up to one important thing:
–> Solid hard evidence that the keto-carnivore diet works.
I get a lot of anti-meat “hater comments.” And that’s okay — it’s part of being a Carnivore, Online Writer and Health Coach.
They don’t bother me, however rude or wrong they are — the opposite!
The more nonsense I read about meat killing you and us meat eaters killing the planet, the more I’ll write against that false scaremongering claims, setting the record straight!.
That’s because I know how I healed myself with meat, animal fat, and animal products. I see how this diet and lifestyle method saved my life and gave me a reason to live a happy and long life.
Some of the fake claims you’ll read all over the internet about meat are:
→ Cause cardiovascular disease – incorrect and scientificallly proven to be wrong.
→ Ruin your kidneys and liver – also scientificallly proven as incorrect.
→ Put you on dialysis – that’s a total joke. Meat makes you bloodsteam clear as a mountain creek.
→ Makes you fat and fall sick early in life – aboslute nonsense.
The opposite is the case: What meat does is make you super healthy and strong, with excellent cholesterol levels, clean arteries, a robust immune system, and a sharp mind!
You’ve been lied to for decades about meat’s health risks and it’s real benefits.
If you enjoyed this story I highly suggest you read my article:
Your Body and Brain Do Not Need Whole Grains, Carbohydrates, And Fiber — Stop Believing The Scams
Thankfully, the truth is slowly but surely emerging from many official sources, scientists and medical doctors.
Hundreds of renowned Medical Doctors are now advocating and prescribing the keto or carnivore diet to their patients instead of medications.
Here are a few of my favorite MD friends you can follow for more real-time health advice.
Dr. Berry — Dr. Ovadia (heart surgeon) — Dr. Lufkin — Dr. Baker — Dr. Jarrouge — Dr. Saladino — Dr. Tro
Please read my related story about meat and the best diet for humans:
Know The Worst Diet Advice You’ve Ever Been Told? “Carbs And Fiber Are Essential For Everyone.”
Final Thoughts
If you don’t believe me, a metabolic health coach and nutritionist with 8 years of experience and patient treatment in the field, feel free to drop the docs above an email or a tweet!
Maybe they can help you understand how your body works and responds to food.
After all, they carry the title MD — so you’d better believe them if you don’t believe me!
So now, go and eat your meat for a stronger heartbeat and, most likely, a longer, healthier, and happier life!
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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My E-Books:
Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands
I wrote my new E-Book, “Your Life and Happiness Are in Your Hands,” to inspire others to make the most of life and not…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
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