Yes you can!
Living the Keto Lifestyle and traveling doesn’t work, so I hear a lot. I get it, it’s not easy, because you can’t just eat whatever you run into at airports or gas stations. If you want to grab something in said places, it’s near impossible to find anything that’s not sugar or carb-laden.
As I write this post, I’m sitting in Changi Airport, Singapore. I’ve been walking around to see if I could find a fresh salad and a simple steak. Nope, nothing but only noodles, rice, pastries, and Burger King! It’s terrible, and poor management by the Singapore airport authority.
The thing is, the food industry wants just that, so you get hooked to the garbage they sell. That’s why all you find in airports is pretty much junk.
The point here is, however, it’s much easier than you think to travel and remain on a steady Keto Lifestyle. Just plan ahead and prepare some real food at home to bring on your trip.
Granted, easier said than done at times, especially when you are returning home from a trip and can’t prepare food. I’m on my return journey now and have no access to decent food until I arrive back tonight.
Intermittent Fasting, IF.
Practicing Intermittent Fasting is what saves the day in these cases. Intermittent Fasting is a natural extension of the Keto Lifestyle, as we only need to eat once or twice a day. On top of that, if you are a Ketone and Fat burner, you don’t ever feel hungry yet still have plenty of energy. Your body burns your internal fat cells for fuel, and your liver produces Ketones (protein enzymes), for fuel.
A simple trick that always helps is to bring along your best friends, bacon, and eggs! Boiled eggs will last a couple of days, as long as you put them in a fridge in your hotel or apartment. That way, you will always have your healthy Keto snacks with you!
Prepare for your trip and stay true to the cause. You can do it
Thanks for reading.
Rob Hourmont
Former Olympic Athlete, certified Health Coach & Writer
“It is my mission to educate people on how to lose weight, how to build a healthy, strong heart, body, and mind, supporting a longer life.”
IG: robhourmontcrunch
IG: robshealthcrunch