How Intermittent Fasting really Works.
With so much talk about Intermittent Fasting these days, you would think everyone is doing it. If that were the case, then undoubtedly many more people would be healthier or should I say, less sick!
The purpose of this post and video is two-fold:
1) To help you understand how to practice IF correctly and safely.
2) To help you understand (and create) the right circumstances to practice Intermittent Fasting, namely, being a fat Burner.
The key to understanding IF, or any fasting, for that matter, is that we should not be suffering at any time. If, like most people, you are a Carbohydrate and Sugar burner, practicing IF will be difficult and will cause you stress.
I think you will agree; we should do everything we can to avoid stress in our lives. Stressfull situations beyond our control happen every day as it is! So, why stress yourself with IF when you don’t have to? You will not lose much weight, only by practicing IF!
Fat & Ketone Burner.
If, on the other hand, you are a Fat burner and are off sugar and carbs for some time already, then it is safe and easy to dive into Intermittent Fasting. If you are a Fat burner, as the words say, you are burning your fat for fuel.
Meaning that when you have not eaten (during the fasting time), your body efficiently burns your fat, providing you with fuel for energy. At the same time, you don’t feel that hunger sensation in your belly, nor do you feel tired, because your system is getting all the fuel it needs from your internal fat sources.
If at some point the accessible fat sources are running low, your liver will then produce ketones. Ketones are protein enzymes, which are pump into your bloodstream for added fuel.
That is what being in Ketosis means.
The Bottom Line:
You should not be practicing Intermittent Fasting unless you are an efficient fat and ketone burner. In this state, you will not feel hungry; therefore, you will not create any unnecessary stress for yourself.
If you are a Sugar and Carb burner, you will feel hungry, upset, and even angry, creating unnecessary stress.
Thanks for reading, and LiveWell.
Rob Hourmont
Former Olympic Athlete & Certified Health Coach.
“It is my mission to educate people on how to lose weight, how to build a healthy, strong heart, body, and mind, supporting a longer life.”
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IG: robshealthcrunch