It pains me daily when I read the next false story about how to lose weight. Do these people make things hard on purpose? No, they’re attention seekers who don’t know what they’re talking about.
Those stories always begin the same way, with my eyes rolling to the back of my head!
“Losing weight is hard. It takes a long time and is very challenging.”
Wrong: Weight-Loss is easy, if you follow simple ruless that I will explain here!
If you had the time and are inclined to, you could spend every day reading fluffy nonsensical weight-loss, diet, and fitness advice.
The amount of false and misleading information pushed onto unsuspecting folks desperate to find effective and sustainable weight-loss and health plans is shocking and bad!
If you spend time looking for health advice on Quora, good luck, you’ve fallen into a giant trap of cr*p advice.
There are thousands, maybe millions, of self-proclaimed “weight-loss experts” lurking around on that platform, trying to reel you in to make a few quick bucks.
Weight loss is not hard
There you have it. If you know what to do and follow a simple set of basic rules, losing weight successfully and relatively quickly is achievable for everyone.And, it’s never too late to start!
Some exceptions based on pre-existing medical conditions may slow the process, but nonetheless, it’s achievable, always!
I’ll throw some diet terms around in a minute, but first, I’d like you to look at it like this.
If you live by following natural principles and logic, you’ll lose weight automatically.
Does that make sense? Let me explain.
The reason so many people are overweight and even obese is that they live unnatural and unhealthy lives.
The unnatural lifestyle
- Lack of movement
- Processed carb and sugar-heavy foods
- Always eating out
- Toxic deep-fried food
- Sugar-laden coffees, teas, sodas, smoothies, and fruit juices
- Candy addiction
- No exposure to sunlight
- Poor sleep
- Addicted to television and smartphones
- Constant stress
If you live like that, it’s no wonder you are fat and feel terrible!
The natural and healthy lifestyle that leads to weight loss!
- Frequent movement
- Eating only real food straight from the source
- Cooking your meals
- No deep-fried food
- Zero consumption of sugar
- No candy, cakes, or desserts
- Lots of sunlight and time spent in nature
- Plenty of quality sleep
- Limited television and phone usage, more reading and writing
- Relaxation therapies such as meditation and mindfulness
That’s what I call:
“Living Life by Following Natural Principles!” Rob Hourmont
How many of the 10 vital health-promoting points do you follow?
Be honest with yourself and let me know.
If you’re feeling unwell, tired, and overweight, my guess is you’re following none of the 10 natural health rules. Instead, you’re living an unnatural sedentary life that’s made you sick.
Weight loss and living a long healthy life
You can interpret all you like into the “natural way of life.”
But one thing is undeniable:
Considering the 10 tips using common sense and logic, what prevents you from losing weight and regaining your health?
The answer is you! You must change and adapt to a new way of life!
You must make up your mind and change your food, movement routine, and lifestyle habits to make it work.
The choice is 100% in your hands – not a lying weight loss “guru” telling you it’s difficult and time-consuming — it’s not!
Eating real natural food is priority No 1.
Here are the familiar terms and diet names, none of which are fads, and all work:
- Keto
- Paleo
- Carnivore
- Keto-Carnivore
- The Proper Human Diet
That’s all there is to it. The mentioned diets are ultra-healthy, promote fat loss, and allow your body to find its ideal weight.
Now let’s get to the hard part about following these nature-based and time-tested diets.
You must be willing to drop all your “comfort foods,” primarily derived from grains, otherwise known as carbohydrate-rich meals, and all sugars.
The human body isn’t designed to live or thrive on Carb or Fiber!
Your body’s preferred fuel source is fat, which you consume with animal protein, animal products, and several omega-3 fatty acids obtained from certain vegetables and some fruits.
For example: Olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados.
And that, dear people, is all there is to it.
Nothing is stopping you from losing weight easily and following nature – except your brain and lacking willpower!
There are 3 words and actions you must memorize and practice daily:
Willpower — Determination — Commitment
Please also take a moment to read my related story:
Final Thoughts
I hope this story didn’t make you angry — if so, I’m sorry about that. I do not want to cause additional stress if you live an “unnatural life.”
What I’ve said may not please or appease you, but it is true and works for almost everyone if you give it a try and stick to it.
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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