Illumination is unique as it covers almost all aspects of daily life, wordwide, with stories and videos by hundreds of contributors.
I’m proud to introduce my readers on to the Illumination – an independent puplication on Illumination is the creation of the brilliant Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, and I am one of Illumination’s Senior Editor’s.
Please have read and enjoy!
Today, we chose engaging and informative stories from our curated collections written by experienced contributors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. These stories include many topics.
Thank you for supporting and engaging with the stories of these inspiring writers and sharing them on your socials. Writers appreciate your taking the time to read these great stories.
Our purpose in these collections is to support writers in growing their audience by introducing them to avid readers on Medium and other platforms while offering enjoyable stories to interested readers.
Our editor
Aiden (Illumination Gaming), created the first curated collection for our new publication, ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts. He invites YouTubers and podcasters to contribute to this unique publication.
The collection has interesting videos from talented writers. We look forward to your submissions. If you don’t have writer access, you might request via this weblink.
Please read click the link below to access hundreds of stories across multiple genres plus videos and podcasts.
Chosen by the content curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium for avid readers
9 x Top Medium Writer in Food, Health, Life Lessons, Life, Self Improvement, Travel, Mental Health, and Education.
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