You heard me right — in time, the vegan diet will make most people ill. Bill Gates, one of the most famous vegans, is an outspoken fan of “fake meat” and “depopulation” to “save the planet.”
There you have it, nicely wrapped into one sentence: The world is slowly going mad!
Mr. Gates himself doesn’t look very healthy. He’s considerably overweight, with a bulging belly and a fat saggy face. He’s a rather sad sight and most definitely the last person I would listen to for health advice.
Yet there he sits, on a different TV show weekly, on the cover of a magazine or online article, preaching 2 things to us all:
1 — Stop killing animals and eating meat and save the planet and your health.
2 — Go vegan and support synthetic meat made in labs or fake meat food companies using nasty ingredients that make you sick.
I’m not kidding with what I’m about to say or whether you like it or not — this man has lost his marbles.
Here’s a quote from Mr. Gates made in Australia the other day:
“Six percent of global emissions are from cows, who burp and fart methane, and we have two paths to solving that,” he said.
“You can either fix the cows to stop them doing that, or you can make beef without the cows. Both of those will be pursued to see which one can lead to a better product in terms of taste, health, and cost.” Bill Gates on
Bill Gates’ recent investments are in methane-reducing supplements for livestock — with his company Breakthrough Energy Ventures and in labs growing synthetically made meat.
So, his “master plan” for climate change and saving the planet is to stop cows farting and burping or make us eat lab-grown meat.
Of course, before he travels the world lecturing everyone how to live, eat, and what to think, he invests in the companies that will reap the most profits if he gets his way.
Exactly as he did when Covid-19 hit the world — he quickly invested a fortune in the vaccine-producing pharma companies. I shudder to imagine how many billions Mr. Gates pocketed thanks to C-19.
The vegan myth
I’ll keep this short, as I’ve said this multiple times before, and add a link to my previous article where I elaborated on this subject:
Vegans, You Have No Clue How Many Animals Die For Your Tofu Salad — It’s Time You Wake Up
1 — Mono-crop farming and the toxic chemicals sprayed all over your vegetables and fruit kill millions of small animals and insects yearly.
2 — Consuming pro-inflammatory grains, legumes, and sugar-laden foods, as 95% of the vegan population does, is absolutely not healthy. The diet consists of 90% carbs and fiber, which convert to sugar in your bloodstream, making you obese and leads to multiple serious illnesses.
3. — Mono-crop farming machines release tons of carbon emissions — a fact they never mention.
4 — The gallons of Monsanto insect-killing liquids sprayed onto your vegetables aren’t health boosters. The opposite — this lethal stuff is carcinogenic.
There you have it, served on a silver platter: The vegan diet is everything BUT healthy.
It will not “save the planet” from greenhouse emissions or help you live long lives.
The Bottom Line
Both these sad truths should suit Mr. Gates just fine if his advice is followed. His investments would flourish, with people dying younger and faster, reducing emissions, which could rescue the world long-term.
Whatever happens in the distant future is not going to help us now. That’s why we must live on our terms and not allow anyone or organizations to tell us what we can and cannot eat.
The latest absolute display of craze, dementia, and blatant racism:

Please read the story about these latest mad claims written by Dr. Mehmet Yildez:
What Does Milk Have to Do with Racism?
Final Thoughts
Please don’t allow anyone to lecture or bully you about anything, especially how to live your life and what you can and cannot eat.
Enjoy your meat, milk, and all the many other wonderful and healthy animal products.
Don’t be intimidated by the rich — never take health advice from an overweight, sick-looking person.
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