Time, a track record, experience, studying, and practicing my methods on myself and hundreds of others for close to 8 years matters.
Many stories of mine go viral as they resonate with most readers who appreciate the valuable information I provide.
If you’re getting something like 6000 to 10000 reads, that’s a lot of eyeballs enjoying the read and my advice.
But of course, among that considerable number, you’re always going to get the “anti-camp” who (out of principle) disagree with everything you say.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. That’s their issue, not mine.
Being rude, however, trying to mock someone’s decades of experience in fields such as professional sports, business, education, and severe health challenges, resulting in a fantastic transformation, is comical.

The “haters” favorite objection of late is that I’m not a medical doctor yet claim to know more about the body and food than most MDs.
Oh, that one sets them off. I’m sorry if that angers you — but it’s true.
Most medical doctors know nothing about food and its effects on the body and mind. They don’t teach them that in medical school.
I was married to one for 18 years, and some of my best friends are MDs — I know.
My health history
I learned the hard way. I endured years of awful gut pain, nausea, and splitting headaches. I could not sleep, and I finally had a stroke.
The doctors confirmed that if I didn’t get my health under control, I was close to the end. I was 45 at the time.
That’s not a pleasant thing to be told at that age. But feeling and looking like I did was much worse. It sucked!
I was an out-of-shape, overweight, sick, and depressed mess.

Then I discovered that my choice of food and beverages was doing this to me.
Like most, I was stuck on the “whole balanced American Standard Diet” that made me sick for decades.
That diet equates to around 80% carbohydrate and 10% protein, and 10% pure sugar intake. Sound good to you?
In other words, you’re filling your tank daily with food that turns into toxic sugar.
What isn’t burnt off is transported out of your bloodstream into your fat cells, called triglycerides, making you fatter by the week.
Carbohydrates = glucose = sugar. These are your primary fuel sources, making you crave more, sick and overweight.
How I turned back the clock taking back my health
Once I discovered the high-carb, fiber, and sugar diet — disguised as the “whole balanced diet” — was killing me, I stopped it and found an alternative way that worked.
What’s so hard to understand about that? Nothing. It’s super simple, easy to do, logical, and makes sense too.
And folks, you don’t have to be a medical doctor to learn what I did, put it into practice, and then see the results unravel.

There are only a few things required:
1 — Learn, study and educate yourself as deeply as possible on nutrition.
I did that.
2 — With an open mind, put what you’ve learned into practice and see its effects on you.
I did that too.
3 — Make videos for your YouTube channel, take lots of photos for your blog where you document your transformation, and demonstrate your excellent health, visually.
I’ve done that for 7 years.
4 — Make health your passion and profession, and help others succeed as you did.
I’ve personally coached hundreds to lose weight and rebuild optimal metabolic health over the last 7 years.
My E-Books have helped thousands do the same.
Photos, videos, and the transformation of myself and hundreds of clients don’t lie.
You can look at my body and face from before and look at me over the last few years throughout my journey.
I do not take any drugs or supplements. All I do is eat a high-fat, high-protein keto-carnivore diet and move my body frequently and sensibly.
Final Thoughts
Doubters — you can critique and attempt to ridicule my qualifications, life achievements, and overall success — if that pleases you, good for you.
But I’ve got news for you. That won’t stop me — the opposite — it only makes me stronger and more motivated to advocate my methods harder.
Reality check:
You can see the path you’re on, right? You can be in terrible health on a slippery slope until you die due to your daily choices.
Or, you can be in optimal health all the way to the end — due to your daily choices too.
It starts with your food.
Photos don’t lie and serve as evidence that what I do works. Enough said.
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Please download my E-Books for your health:
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. Since I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…robshealthcrunch.gumroad.com
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…robshealthcrunch.gumroad.com
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…robshealthcrunch.gumroad.com
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