If you have a pool or easy access to one, I suggest you start to use it as your gym. Pools are fantastic places for all kinds of workouts, not just swimming.
Pools are for swimming, but you can use your body as your gym before, after, or between swims.
Mixing up your training by adding swim sprints, coupled with strength training exercises, is a tough session to beat.
In my article, Here’s How I Mix Up My Body Movements To Keep Me Lean, Focused, And Sharp, I explain how I always switch up my movement routine and that I don’t really keep routine.
I exercise as things come to mind, and depending on how I feel that day or what I’m suddenly and intuitively inspired to do.
For me, that’s a far better, more flexible, stress-free, and fun way to go about your fitness activities and life.
As long as you make sure you move your body frequently daily, you are doing fine. Just keep that in mind — move a lot.
You can choose from hundreds of fun and effective workout methods you can do in the great outdoors, a pool, or even your living room.
Today, I want to share this killer pool and strength training routine with you that you can complete in under 30-minutes.
The swim sprints routine
Jump in the pool and swim a few lengths to warm up. For the sprints, you need to use the front crawl freestyle stroke. You better go flat out too, until you hit the wall at the other end!
If you’re not putting your full power into it, it’s not a sprint and won’t have the desired effect.
When you’re ready, take a deep breath and fly through the water.
Try to take as fewer breaths as possible along the way. You’ll find yourself panting heavily and out of breath when you reach the other end.
That’s exactly what you want — 100% output and exertion!
Then check your heart rate by holding your index finger on your pulse under your left or right cheekbone. Time and count the beats for 10 seconds, and multiply by 6.
That’s your current BPM (beats per minute). Aim to get your heart rate up to between 160 to 175 BPM.
Take a 1 to a 2-minute rest break, and recheck your heart rate, making sure it drops below 120 BPM before you hit your next sprint.
Repeat this 3 to 6 times, depending on your strength and how you feel. Don’t push yourself too hard, especially not in the first session.
For beginners, I recommend no more than 3 swim sprints to start. Then gradually increase the number of sprints during each new session.
After you’ve completed this fantastic routine, pat yourself on the back, rest for 5 minutes and then get down on the ground for step 2.
The bodyweight strength training session
You may not feel like doing this after sprinting. The sprinting session will take the wind out of you and zap your energy.
Once you start, you’ll catch a second wind and can do it.
The simplest exercises to do next to the pool are:
Push-ups — Squats — Planks
Start with the push-ups and aim for your maximum reps until exhaustion. I go for 30 to 40 reps, which is hard to do.
Take a short 30-second break and hop right into the squats. The same applies. Aim for your maximum reps until you can’t do anymore. Here I go for 30 to 50 reps.
You don’t use your legs as much as your upper body when swim-sprinting. You should be able to do a fair amount more squats than push-ups.
Next, on to the plank. Get into position, and hold it for as long as you. Aim for at least 30-seconds — better would be 1 to 2-minutes.
You can now end your strength session there. One set is hard enough to do after high-intensity sprinting. If you feel up for it, try 1 or 2 more sets.
Make sure you rest for 2 to 3-minutes between each set and that your BPM is below 120 before each sprint.
To finish, cool down with a gentle 5-minute stretch of the main muscle groups, chest, legs, back, and core.
That completes an amazingly effective killer workout that you can do in under 30-minutes.
In my video, I show you a quick demo of push-ups, squats, a swimming sprint, and my favorite body move challenge, the headstand. An explanation of sprinting and strength training and a demo. Video by Author
Final Thoughts
Did I plan to do this routine today? Nope, it just came to mind. I’d previously gone for a fast-paced 30-minute morning walk and then went to the pool to chill out and catch some sun for 30-minutes.
Then I found myself repeatedly staring at the water and thinking, swim, swim sprint, or go and take a shower?
It didn’t take long for my mind to be inspired and my motivation to rise. Up I got and threw myself head first into the pool and cranked out a super sprinting session followed by a short but strong strength training hit.
Give it a go, folks. It’s great fun and super rewarding.
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
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