It’s another world phenomenon — people with no food education telling you — a trained and experienced nutritionist — what to do!
If it weren’t sad, I would be mad!
Paradox? No, let me explain why.
The “balanced whole and plant diet” worshippers simply can’t take the truth.
They don’t like reading that what they eat most — plants and legumes — isn’t healthy.
That’s why it doesn’t make me mad. Instead, it inspires me to stick like an arrow to my path.
Inform, educate, inspire, motivate, and show damn results!
Yes, you read the keyword of this story — results.
Talk is cheap — science is also cheap. The “researchers” bend it in any way they like, or their “sponsor” tells them to.
The only absolute validity is found in results, experience, time, and numbers!
That is actual, “real science,” my friends! Fact.
The definition of science:
“The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.”
There you have it — bang on!
That’s precisely what I have done with myself and hundreds of patients over the last 7 years.
I’ve systematically studied the physical world by experimenting and testing on myself and with others. The results I have gained, therefore, serve as hard Evidence!
If I’m wrong about the healing and health powers of the keto-carnivore diet, why am I so healthy and not dead?
Why did so many of my clients successfully lose weight and rebuild their strength?
Is it all just a coincidence?
Are my experience, and the years I’ve spent gathering the evidence invalid?
Who says? You can’t because it is valid!
Anybody with scientific logic will agree with me — it’s “real-time science,” no bullshit.
The latest lecture:
“Provide a legitimate study, not just your opinion or anecdotal experience.”
Oh okay.
Opinion: Are my many years of experience with testing, trial, and error on myself just an opinion? No, it serves as massive time-tested evidence.
Anecdotal: Individual accounts? No, very, very wrong again. I’m now in my 8th year following my practices. I’ve healed hundreds with my food, movement, and lifestyle recommendations.
Those numbers are anything but “anecdotal.”
I also often mention ancient history and how humanity was created and thrived by citing ancestral health facts.
Our primal ancestors mostly (by far) ate meat and were lean, strong, and healthy.
All proven — look it up.
Besides, I often quote other scientific research, proving my point.
One of my latest stories did just that:
Here’s an excerpt:
Meanwhile, the truth is revealed — finally, and official
“Red meat is harmless to health.”
New study slams years of shoddy research.
Study criticizes lazy research!
“In a new, unprecedented effort, scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) have reviewed decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, formulating a new scoring system to assess health risks communicate.
Their findings largely dispel any concerns about eating red meat.”
Please read the above statement very carefully — I will highlight the keywords:
Unprecedented effort — reviewed decades of research — dispel any concerns… about eating red meat!
That says enough.
The dangerous misrepresentation of the “Balanced Whole and Plant Diet”
We are talking about the Standard American Diet, SAD, or Western Diet.
I ate that diet for most of my life until I was 45, and it nearly killed me.
The main components of this misguided standard diet are carbohydrates from grains, legumes, and vegetables.
Sugar is also an accepted healthy, in moderation! Wow, okay.
Here I have some anecdotal evidence for you, which is close to my heart that, thankfully, still beats today.
I became so fat, sick, and unhealthy in both body and mind that I stroked out!
My health decline took place over 20 years. I went through several episodes of hell during that time.
All thanks to the not-so-healthy “whole balanced and plant diet” I was stuck on for decades.
I contracted celiac disease by eating too many plants and grains. My case was horrific.
A doctor-recommended surgery at the time (in 1998) almost killed me.
The operation didn’t remedy the root cause — I had to go back on acid blockers and painkillers.
15 years of that crap later, I became so ill I could barely function.
I was an anxious, irritated, sad, angry, depressed, sick mess on 10 mediations.
Clear enough?
Cutting to the chase!
I studied food and figured out what was going in with me. I immediately ditched all carbs, most vegetables, and all sugar.
The RESULT: I healed myself entirely within 3 months.
I lost all the excess weight, reversed my lousy cholesterol levels to excellent, and regained optimal metabolic and mental health.
Final Thoughts
Before you lecture someone who knows almost everything about food and health and has been through even more in life, do your research.
Don’t be so ignorant and rude.
And no, I will never, ever advocate eating plants in my life again.
I certainly will not promote diets that do as “healthy.”
I’ve learned my lessons, I did my “time,” and I know what works best for optimal health.
I don’t mind if you like it or not. That’s how I see it, as do hundreds of medical doctors today!
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. Since I’ve been practicing, writing, and teaching these methods…
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible
The Ultimate Bodyweight Bible is a 200-page, 23-chapter collection of the absolute best workouts you can perform to…
The Easy Keto-Carnivore Food Guide
My latest, E-Book – The Easy-Keto Carnivore Food Guide – is the only tool you’ll need to get your health into top…