Most people slow down as they age — I’ve done the opposite — I never stop creating, moving, and enjoying life.
There’s a trick to achieving this.
Unfortunately, not everyone can, mostly because they don’t know and don’t try to learn about life and how theirs could be in a much better flow.
To illustrate this in more detail, I’ll show you what I do in a day or two, supported with photos and videos.
Then I’ll show you how I become fitter, healthier, more successful, save time, and feel great too.
My Strength Training
I strength-trained my body with a 15-minute micro-workout, which made me feel great and is all I need to keep me lean and strong.
I worked out in a beautiful resort garden, in the grass and nature — then I went for a swim and sunned myself for 30 minutes.
That was bliss!
Why hustle around a loud gym packed with people taking pics flexing muscles to post on social media?
Please check out the video where I demonstrate this quick but powerful workout set.
5 Exercise Micro-workout session x 3, done in 15-minutes, Video by Rob Hourmont
I’ll strength train 3 times per week maximum, using my body as my gym and always outdoors in nature.
The rest of the days, I only walk and swim.
Nature Trips
I regularly ride my motorbike for 1 to 2 hours up to the top of Kulen Mountain, in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, or other great spots in nature.
I trekked the waterfall, went down and up steep stairs, swam in the cool spring water, relaxed in the mellow afternoon sun, meditated, and practiced deep breathing with positive affirmations to close the session.
It was wonderfully mind-calming and uplifting.
The drive up was 2 hours — we stayed 2 hours and drove home in another 2 hours. That sounds like a lot of driving for a 2-hour chillout session, right?
It’s not. The drive along the countryside and up the steep mountain road was stunning and fun — it was nothing but pure pleasure and adventure all day long.
Please check out this short clip of us playing and having fun at the waterfall.
Day Trip to Beautiful Kulen Mountain, Cambodia. Video by Rob Hourmont
The Secret Sauce
1 — I work less — I’m not sorry about that.
The result: I work smart and produce far better content this way.
2 — I train far less than I used to — I’m not sorry about that either.
I’ve figured out the most effective and efficient way to move my body each week:
• Walking 6 miles daily, swimming as often as possible
• 3 x 15-minute micro-workout sessions
• 1 Sprint session
This is more than I need to keep me muscular, lean, fit, and in happy spirits.
I do it all in nature — that’s the trick!
3 — I sleep more — I’m not sorry about that either.
I used to not care much about sleep.
I’d work and party late, get up early feeling like crap, and continue playing the same senseless game.
That’s no way to live.
So, I changed my ways, stopped the short unhealthy sleeping pattern, and opted for longer, enjoyable sleep that helps my body and mind recover and do better the next day.
That’s it.
Final Thoughts
Step away from “The Hotel California” trap — get out of the rat race, slow life down, and enjoy it more.
You only live once — it’s not all that long in the scope of things.
The trees I saw at the waterfall today are probably more than 2000 years old — I have no idea.
Sleep and rest more, work less, but deep and productively, and please exercise less, but right — stop wasting half your life in a gym!
It is not worth it, and not the way to live a great life. Mark my words — eventually, you will agree with me if you don’t already.
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