I help folks to find a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, build lean muscle, sleep better, be less stressed, and improve their immune system, and skin.
All of this without forcing yourself through vigorous, painful workouts or objectionable diets.
My goal is to make health and fitness simple and easy for you without all the complicated endless scientific texts. I always back up my articles, advice, and educational materials with scientific evidence for you to review.
“My goal is to deliver daily news, scientifically-backed articles, and tips on health, fitness, keto-carnivore, and ifestyle practices., and ravel lifestyle. I Crunch out the truth and help as many people as possible worldwide regain their ideal health and fitness.”
Rob Hourmont
The Three Problems in Our Lives
Since I embarked on my health journey in 2016, a great deal changed physically and mentally, and I have learned many things along the way.
The most surprising was when I realized how our food, healthcare, insurance, and pharma systems are devised. We grow up thinking that healthcare, insurance, and the pharmaceutical industries exist to help us live better lives and cure us in case of accidents, injuries, or illnesses.
Most trust the food industry and what we are told to be acceptable food options Our governments cooperate with the food industry by creating guidelines for us to follow. They call it a “healthy and balanced diet.”
This guideline is known as the Standard American Diet (SAD).
The SAD food triangle promotes processed grains and carbohydrates as the primary food group and even recommends the consumption of raw sugar in the form of cakes and candy as acceptable.
Fast food has become the norm and daily standard for a vast majority of the population in the USA and the rest of the world.
Pizza, pasta, noodles, rice, cereals, chips, bread, deep-fried foods, sodas, fruit juices, ice cream, cookies, and cakes, are daily staples for almost every household worldwide.
Most of these foods are highly processed, grain-based, and high in carbohydrates, all of which, when consumed, convert to glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream.
These foods mostly contain refined vegetable oils, which are processed with poisonous chemicals. The consumption of chemically altered oils is a significant potential cause of cancer.
Diets rich in n-6 PUFAs have been known to raise the risk of cancer, and it has been turned out to be mostly due to AA, which can produce eicosanoids with inflammatory properties. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which is derived from AA, has been found to increase tumor growth in previous studies.
National Library of Medicine
Most people consume at least three high-carb, processed, and sugar-loaded meals daily and then snack on processed foods throughout the day.
These sugars, carbohydrates, and chemically altered oils are highly inflammatory to our system and cause many illnesses, weight gain, bad skin, poor sleep, stress, and premature aging.
Over time, the continuous consumption of such foods has a catastrophic effect on our health and bodies. Ingesting sugars and foods high in carbs triggers excessive insulin release into our bloodstream.
Over time, the pancreas, our insulin-producing organ, becomes exhausted and will shut down, causing insulin resistance, aka Diabetes.
Insulin is the transportation hormone responsible for transporting ingested fuel sources throughout our system to provide energy.
Overloading our bloodstream with glucose, which cannot be burned, leads to insulin transporting the excess glucose into the fat cells for storage.
The stored glucose, locked away as triglycerides in our fat cells, cannot be accessed as fuel and therefore causes insidious weight gain.
As with food and the food industry, fitness enthusiasts are also misled by the health and fitness industry.
The main driver is the mantras “no pain, no gain” and “more is better.”
The fitness industry’s goal is to make us believe that to get fit, lose weight, and build lean muscle, we must work out every day and push ourselves hard.
Sadly, this notion is incorrect. Working out every day at a gym or running 10k a day will only lead to burnout and possible injury.
This overactivity leads to the excessive production of cortisone, our stress hormone, which is pumped into the heart and is a major cause of heart attack and stroke.
At the same time, overtraining will result in an increased appetite, increased calorie consumption, and fatigue, resulting in weight gain, not loss.
Work, life, or family stress can be a killer. Statistics show that the number of stress-related deaths yearly increases significantly.
Severe Stress and Depression Increase the Risk of Early Death!
Similar to overtraining, stress causes the release of cortisol into the heart.
Cortisol is the fight or flight hormone, a red flag sent to our brain if something is wrong or we are in danger. Cortisol’s function is just that, to warn us to take care and act to avoid an oncoming threat!
Yet, this protection hormone gets abused all the time.
Excessive cortisol production due to stress, lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, and lack of movement results in a high risk of heart disease and stroke.
Please read my related story:
Eat Real Food: The Carbs, Fiber, and Sugar-Laden Food Addiction Is Rampant
Final Thoughts
1 – Please consider what and how much you eat, and try to eat “real food.
2. – Exercise less but smart.
3 – Keep your stress in check.
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