I recently wrote a well-received story about Food — what you should eat, rather than what you are eating It’s Not About What You Eat — It’s About What You Shouldn’t EatWhy you need to think more about what you’re eating, and why you’re eating it!robhourmont.medium.com
I’m writing clearly and factually (scientifically proven) about what certain foods do to you and the beneficial effects of “clean foods.” If you have an open mind, it’s not hard to understand — it’s logical!
And yes, I’m talking about the so-called “keto diet,” even though I hardly mention the name. I don’t like referring to this way of eating as “keto” — I prefer to call it “healthy living by following natural principles.”
Eating clean, unprocessed, sugar-free, gluten-free, real food!
I received several comments on the article thanking me for the advice and the reminder, except one.
The comment reads, “this is the worst piece of health advice I’ve ever read.”
Boom, just like that. The worst!
Thankfully, as we get older, we know there will always be people who disagree or even hate you for what you’re saying — even if it’s blatantly true.
So the comment didn’t bug me; it just motivated me to write this today, to inform and inspire you to eat as healthy as you can. If you want to, that is. I’m not forcing ya’ll.
I’m not going to bang on and repeat what I said in the above article, as you can read there. Please do!
What I will say is this — and this is a fact!
Discovering, learning about, and implementing the keto diet saved my life 6 years ago.
In 2015 I suffered a stroke; I was 50 lbs. overweight, upset, depressed, and angry. I didn’t want to live anymore, and I thought about taking my life.
Yes, that’s how bad my mindset got. It wasn’t funny.
One day, the solution came to me in my email inbox for some miraculous reason, as I touched down in NYC from a brief trip to Bali.
I studied, took action, changed my food and drink, and today, 6 years later, I’m healthy and fit, happy as a bunny! Instead of maybe dead!
Besides the obvious benefit of weight loss, I’d like to point out a few other wonderful things you’ll experience on the keto diet.
What are the benefits of the keto diet other than weight loss?
- Energy — all day and constant energy!
- Never tired, even at night after long working days
- Mental clarity
- Much better focus
- Clearer mind
- Working more efficiently
- Eating way less
- Eating no junk or processed food
- Disliking sugar and sweets
- A constant positive mindset
- Way more confidence in yourself and your abilities
- Looking much younger than your chronological age
- Playing harder due to your new biological age
- A robust immune system, and never getting sick
- No meds needed because of the above
- A way better sex life due to things working well again downstairs!
That’s not all of the benefits, but it’s most of them. And thank you very much, I think they are quite something. I can’t even express how happy I was when I noticed all these positive changes — weight loss aside!
In Summary.
You believe or not believe. But this isn’t about that — it’s not religion or magic.
It works for everyone if done right.
I’m not trying to change you; that’s up to you if you want to. I’m here to inform, educate and motivate you to try. Plus, I’ll be happy to guide you if you wish.
That’s all for now, folks.
Thanks for reading,