It’s hard to believe, I know. But it is true — the vast majority of the population is far sicker now because of the recommended Standard American Diet called SAD! And that it is – sad!
The USDA (US Department of Agriculture) first came out with its new guidelines and recommendations for each of the “food groups” in 1992 — the “Food Pyramid” was born.

In 2005, they launched their “My Pyramid,” with vertical wedges representing the food groups and a figure scaling a set of stairs along its side to illustrate the importance of physical activity.
What a joke they made of that one.
They recommend primarily unhealthy food and add a set of stairs and a drawn person seemingly walking up them to remind you to stay active.
The people who invented this scheme must have thought everyone was stupid, and they still do because they stick to their nasty food guidelines to continue enabling massive profits at your expense.
How’s it possible, anyway, that a department of agriculture (mass farming) gets to set a country’s dietary guidelines?
What do they know about health, nutrition, and the effects of foods on the human body or mind?
The answer is nothing!
The reason is simple: They collaborated with Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Healthcare.
1 — The Big Food industry has made Billions from cheap and highly processed food sales, making people sick and obese.
2 — The Big Healthcare industry gets to treat and cut into the obese and desperately sick patients, charging fortunes for their services without ever fixing the underlying issue.
3 — The Big Pharma industry sells countless amounts of expensive prescription drugs to the weakening and ill population.
What a scandal, what a scam, and what a way to destroy society and people’s health.
What is regulated by the USDA?
“USDA regulations provide official marketing standards for grains and oilseeds and require that exported grains and oilseeds be officially weighed and inspected. The Department’s laws also regulate the slaughter and manufacture of meat products.”
So, there we have it — the USDA’s central business area focuses on cultivating and marketing grains (wheat, corn, barley, rice) and seed oils (canola, palm, sunflower oil) all are toxic and cause cancer!
The largest segment of their Food Pyramid is the bottom one, with 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, and other such junk food, which is all derived from grains.
Grains are high-carb and pro-inflammatory, which drives a massive insulin release when consumed.
The 2 healthiest food groups are also the smallest (along with sweets) in the pyramid:
1 — Protein: Meat, poultry, and eggs.
2 — Dairy: Milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt.
For sweets and oils, they recommend using “sparingly.”
How kind of them to remind you not to gorge yourself to death by eating candy, chocolate, cakes, muffins, and more sugar-laden junk every day.
But sadly, most people do, as once addicted to sugar, they can’t get their hands out of the cookie jar!
What they’ve failed, forgotten, or purposely decided not to mention is that almost every single grain-based processed food product is:
A — High-carb = converts to sugar in your bloodstream.
B — Yet more sugar is added to nearly all of these processed grain-derived foods = more sugar in your system.
C — Seed oils are a massive business — they oxidize at a low temperature and destroy your health.
Don’t you find this all just a little unsettling, disturbing, and plain wrong?
Why is an agency whose business it is to cultivate and sell grains and seed oils in charge of America’s dietary guidelines?
It’s awful and should be banned!
Will you do yourself and me a favor?
Stop being fooled by these incorrect metabolically and mentally damaging food guidelines.
Please also read my related story:
To The Keto Trash Talkers —Use Your Brains, Research, And Stop Spreading Misinformation
Final Thoughts
Enough is enough.
The brainwashing by Big Food, Pharma, and Health industries must stop.
People have a right to know the truth about food and what’s good or bad for their health.
If governments worldwide woke up and started caring about your health, we would see a massive reduction in type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, strokes, and premature deaths.
We may end up with a healthy and thriving society again.
Wishful thinking, I know, but I’ll do my best to help you get there.