You Do Not Need Fiber and Carbohydrates – The Empirical Science and Facts Do NOT Lie – Fiber and Carbs Are a Scam!
Why we still must have this debate, I don’t know. It’s long since been debunked by scientists and medical doctors that carbs and fiber are non-essential nutrients and can cause illnesses.
Sadly, this latest attack on me and defamation of character was written by an educated man — a Ph.D.
He is not a nutritionist but a microbiome scientist and says he specializes in “gut health.” He has not studied food as I have and condescendingly calls me a so-called “health guru.”
He referenced and linked my story in his while saying half of my title is a lie – that’s not nice!
“As a microbiome scientist, I can tell you that this is dangerous. Half of this title is totally fine. The other half is a lie that could be devastating to many people’s health.”
As you can see, he is saying half of my title is a lie — thus, he’s calling me a liar and claiming I’m endangering people’s health! Well, the truth is, he’s wrong, I’m right and he’s the clown making a fool of you who believe him!
Well, I’m sorry to say, but I am not the liar here, Mr. Westreich — think again, and maybe study again too!
I always speak and write the truth, which is backed up by plenty of science and modern “switched-on” medical doctors.
Please view the Doctors and Ph.D’s supporting my case about fiber:
Many more credible doctors and scientists believe that fiber is not the panacea that works for some and not for others!
Dr.Paul Mason — “From fiber to the microbiome: low carb gut health.”
Dr. Paul Mason talks about fiber.
“Paul Saladino MD on Why We Don’t Need Fiber for a Healthy Microbiome.”
Dr. Paul Saladino talks about fiber.
“Don’t we need fiber for a healthy microbiome? No, this is probably one of the most absurd discussions.” Dr. Paul Saladino.
Dr. Zoe Harcombe Ph.D, presents the undisbutable facts about Fiber!
No data supports that we need fiber for a healthy microbiome! Fact.
Now let’s take a look at what Dr. Georgia Ede has to say about the fiber myth!
“Why do experts believe that fiber is essential for health? It is a simple misunderstanding of the research. Well-meaning, intelligent scientists looked at all the data and came to the wrong conclusion by making a single, critically flawed assumption that led them in the wrong direction.”
Enough said, dear Mr.Microbiome, Ph.D. Sam Westreich – you are wrong! Your outdated views and misleading advice pose serious health risks. It’s time you move on, and quit decorating your stories with your Ph.D., while making false claims that make people sick.
Fiber is NOT a nutrient — Fiber is an anti-nutrient!
If you don’t believe me, please argue with specialized experts and medical doctors who, like me, have not eaten fiber in years!
My take on food and fiber. Video by Rob Hourmont
Final Thoughts
Please be careful who you listen to and believe about healthy food. If someone has a Ph.D. behind their name, it doesn’t mean a thing.
What matters is empirical evidence based on human studies that these doctors and I have generated over many years.
We have proven it on ourselves — not just mice — and many others who follow our advice.
The less fiber you eat, the better — the more protein and animal fats you eat — that’s even better!
Writer, Metabolic Health Coach & Former Olympic Athlete, Modern Nutritionist.
It’s my goal to Inspire, Inform and Motivate others to Live a Healthy Life by Following Natural Principles
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