Take it easy, go slow, and follow the right path, not the one that leads you down the garden.
That’s the key to successful and sustainable weight management, excellent fitness, heart health, and mental strength!
But for some reason, many like to make things complicated, expensive, and time-consuming.
What’s the thinking behind that?
It’s the flawed consensus that if you want to achieve something special, you’ve got to bust your butt working on it — good things always come with a price, and there’s no free lunch. Wrong!
Thankfully, 7 years ago, as I aimlessly wandered down that garden path, I took an unexpected turn and a new direction in life.
Step by step — literally — I slowly found the right way to achieve sustainable weight loss and repair my metabolically damaged body and upset mind.
It all started with an excruciating knee replacement surgery that forced me to take up walking to rebuild my strength and heal the joint.
At the time, I didn’t realize that the prescribed walking not only rehabilitated my damaged leg but also began to repair my mind.
The long walk to physical and mental health
At first, the walks were short and painful — soon, they became long and fun.
Instead of one 15-minute walk around my neighborhood block, I was suddenly doing 10 loops in 1 hour. I noticed I’d become addicted to my walks — they made me think and inspired me with new ideas.
After each walk, I felt rejuvenated and much better inside and out.
At the time, I had a bulging beer belly, was 60 lbs overweight, and had recently suffered a minor stroke. In other words, with the knee thrown in, I was a physical and mental wreck.
Walking changed my life and got me moving forward and out of my rabbit hole.
The Movement Solution:
I made walking a major part of my daily life and turned it from a routine and habit to a hobby.
When I discovered that my food and drink were slowly killing me
One day during a walk I looked into nutrition, a healthy diet, weight loss options, and how to avoid another stroke.
To my surprise, everything pointed toward food and beverages: carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugar.
My cholesterol levels were shot, and I was fat and sick because of what I put in my mouth, mostly carbohydrates and sugar.
What I thought was a healthy “balanced diet” turned out to be junk and food addiction, no more. And everyone around me was stuck on the same Ferris wheel.
The Diet Solution:
By chance, I found the keto-carnivore diet.
I immediately signed up for a detailed course covering nutrition, how food affects the human body, alternative heart-healthy training methods, and wellness.
I was stunned at what I had learned and that I’d slowly been eating, drinking, training, and sleeping myself to death!
Once I changed what and how I ate, I lost all the weight, which felt great.
My mind unraveled and found balance
The walking, combined with clean and natural foods, cleared my mind and freed me from months of depression.
I found inspiration and the motivation to start a new career, book, and life. My mind was no longer tired and dull — I became sharp and on fire.
I found my strength by using my body as my gym
Instead of wasting hours in the gym, pumping iron and hoping to lose the gut, I began to train smart, save time, and protect my heart.
Most people hitting the gym and weights don’t know they’re also beating up their hearts!
Understanding how to move my body, burn fat, build lean muscle and have a stronger heart was a dream come true.
I canceled my gym membership and did it all on the ground outside or at home, making it simple and easy.
The Strength Solution:
I discovered and developed easy, fun, and time-saving exercise methods that work and save money too.
The Ultimate Solution for Sustainable Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health
You don’t need to spend hours shopping, cooking, calorie counting, or training in the gym.
Instead, declutter your mindset and make life simple!
• Cut your shopping list and cost by more than half, and mostly buy meat, fish, seafood, and eggs
• Prepare and create delicious dishes in less than 30-minutes a day, which yields at least 2 meals
• Move your body daily by walking 10000 steps or more
• Strengthen your muscles by using your body as your gym and simple bodyweight exercises 3 times 30-minutes per week
• If you want to be adventurous, throw in 1 weekly swim, hill, or tack sprinting session
• Make daily “you time” sessions a must-do — relax, meditate, rest, or get a massage
Final Thoughts
You do not need to spend 1 to 2 hours in the gym daily to elevate your fitness and health. If you do, you’ll only slowly weaken your heart, burn out and become sick more often.
You can complete my easy training methods in 2 hours per week, plus walk for 1.5 hours a day, either in 1 go or 2 to 3 slots.
I walk in the morning, at noon before my first meal of the day, and again at 6 pm before dinner. That way, I always hit 10000 steps, and some days even 15000.
Shop fewer ingredients and make simple dishes with plenty of herbs and spices.
Your heart, mind, and body will soon thank you in many ways.
That’s all it takes.
9 x Top Medium Writer in Food, Health, Life Lessons, Life, Self Improvement, Travel, Mental Health, and Education.
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