Weight Loss? That’s a great question, reporters say on the daily news. But is the answer ever as clear as the question? It’s mostly murky at best.
However, my answer and advice to you are crystal clear — the only question remaining is whether you’ll listen and follow it.
Here’s the straightforward truth for you:
Weight loss is easy to achieve and maintain, and it is not at all complicated! It only takes:
• Time
• Patience
• Determination
• Willpower
Those are the 4 attributes you need to melt the fat, keep it off, become fit, and healthy.
These essential attributes further support a successful life. Making them your priority and practicing them daily is wise!
It’s not rocket science — it’s common sense!
Why is the weight loss subject so prevalent in the media and the internet?
Did you know that “weight loss” is one of the most searched terms on Google?
“Each month, an estimated 88 billion Google searches, of which millions relate specifically to losing weight.”
Businessinsider.com provides this concerning statistic, which they link to a story with a poorly chosen title that doesn’t help the problem – it does the opposite, which is what the mainstream media usually want anyway.
America’s Obsession With Losing Weight Fast: Analyzing Google Search Data
The Reality? There’s no “obsession” with losing weight “fast” in America — there’s an obsession with eating toxic, sugary, low-quality, nutrient-poor, junk, and fast foods!
The frequency of weight loss searches means most people who know they’re overweight want to do something about it. Yet, they can’t, because there is so much conflicting and wrong information out there!
That’s when they end up in the hands of Google and all the relentless weight loss nonsense you’ll find there.
I’m not blaming Google — I love Google — it’s not their fault.
It’s simply very hard to find good, effective advice that’s easy to follow and works.
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Now I’ve clarified the problems and confusion surrounding weight gain — let’s get to fixing it!
I will keep this short and on point, as that’s how it really is.
You only need to adjust and execute a few simple action steps and make them stick as your new habits!
1 — Stop eating junk food and start eating “real food.”
2 — Cut the word sugar from your brain and diet — never touch it again.
3 — Cut the carbs! You heard me. Your body doesn’t need or want them.
4 — Go back to nature — visit your local farm and buy organic meat, eggs, and raw milk!
5 — Put your supermarket in the rearview mirror, and don’t go there for food.
6 — Drink only water, coffee, tea, kefir, and a little wine, no more beer!
7 — Cook at home 90% of the time.
8 — Eat slowly, one mouthful at a time, and stop when you feel satiated.
9 — Walk 5 miles daily, morning, noon, and night, and watch the fat melt away.
10 — Don’t join a gym — there’s no need to waste your time or money on gyms!
11 — Drop to the ground a few times a week, and do the classic military-style bodyweight exercises — push-ups and squats are a good start.
12 — Be Happy — you’re now on the best way to losing weight, for good, and finding a new you.
Does that sound too easy to do?
There’s an old saying that mostly rings true:
“If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.”
I love that proverb so much as it’s right 99% of the time.
But I just gave you the 1% difference that matters — that’s all you need to know.
Now, back to the golden weight loss question — will you follow me?
That’s a decision only you can make — I can help you to get on the right track, staying there is up to you!
I started all of the above over 9 years ago. I never looked back. Now, at 54, I’m healthier, stronger, and happier than ever.
I’ve been that way for the last 9 years, and it only gets better the older I get.
How awesome does that sound?
Please also check out my related story:
Final Thoughts
It was not hard to change my food and drink — it was easy, once I realized how food and drink can either heal or harm you.
When I understood what was going on with my health, body, and mind, I embraced my new diet and lifestyle with open arms and gratefulness.
Nobody helped me — I helped myself because I had to. I didn’t want to keep feeling and looking like crap, as I did from 2002 to 2015 when I had a stroke and was 70 lbs. overweight.
When you look in the mirror and accept you’ve messed up and must change and get better, you can do it and will win if you use logic and self-discipline. again, it’s not a big ask – it’s easy and simple to do, for everyone!
I just told you how to do it and now it’s up to you to “just do it.”
If you have any comments or questions please drop them in the “comments and questions” form below!
MBA from Robert Kennedy College & University of Cumbria, UK.
Certified Nutritionist & Health Coach | Trainer | Blogger | Copywriter | Author
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