The problem is that band-aids don’t work forever and are nothing more than short-sighted lazy “cover-ups.” Popping pills for every ailment coming your way will, in the end, ruin your days!
Sadly, I can speak with authority on this matter — I used to take around 10 prescription meds daily. The medication provides a feeling of relief, which is primarily psychological.
For a while, the doctor’s visit and new prescription ease your stress and relieve anxiety. When you take the new pill, you look forward to your physical pain diminishing — until you feel bad again, and pop goes another!
That’s how the cat-and-mouse game will continue forever unless you figure out why and properly deal with your ailments.
I unknowingly covered up my leaky gut — celiac disease — for 20 years
My nasty gut-wrenching acid reflux started at 25. Acid crept up my throat and into my mouth all day, which I washed away with coca-cola or another soda.
Most nights, I woke up with acid in my mouth, burning pain in my throat, and unbearable stomach and gut cramps, followed rapidly by violent vomiting sessions.
I wound up in the ER at least 3 times a week until they prescribed the heavy proton pump inhibitors.
Back then, people swore that coca-cola heals stomach issues and acid reflux. Many people fell for this myth, including me.
The root of acid reflux is what coke is full of — sugar!
Drinking sodas, beer, and energy drinks, plus eating the high-carb, glucose, sugar, and lectin-laden “balanced western diet,” just like everyone else, caused my guts to rot and the acid to attack.
All foods mentioned above convert to sugar in your bloodstream, along with lectins and co., and cause horrible acid reflux.
A lesson on lectins & phytons:
Few people know about the 2 friends of plants, lectins, and phytons.
As plants can’t defend themselves, bite, or run away like animals, they contain these toxic proteins — their natural defense mechanism.
You might be asking yourself why? Well, plants, like animals, would also prefer to live and not be eaten.
Grains and every food item made from them, plus 95% of vegetables and fruits, contain these toxins.
Don’t believe me? Here’s an article published by the “mainstream” Mayo Clinic, even admitting that lectins are everywhere!
“Lectins are naturally occurring proteins that are found in most plants. Some foods that contain higher amounts of lectins include beans, peanuts, lentils, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, fruits, and wheat and other grains. Lectins serve a protective function for plants as they grow.”
Most people’s diets contain 80% grains, carbs, fibers, and lots of sugar.
These foods, in time, will ruin your metabolic and mental health, make you obese, and rot your gut.
Like leeches on your skin, lectins cling to your intestinal wall and drill thousands of tiny holes. That results in your stool slowly seeping into your blood.
And that means — you have Celiac Disease — a nasty and severely painful condition.
That’s why type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart attacks have exploded over the last 20 years.
Getting rid of acid reflux was easy once I knew the cause
At 45, I finally had a stroke, was very overweight, and was in a complete metabolic and mental health mess.
Long story short:
I was shit scared I would soon die of another stroke!
So I took immediate action, researched, and found out strokes are primarily down to being overweight, which clogs your arteries with plaque.
I studied an intensive and eye-opening course on nutrition and healthier living that explained how food and drink affect the body, good and bad.
I was shocked at what I learned.
Once I understood, I changed my food, stopped eating anything made from grains and all sugars, and dramatically cut back on my vegetable intake.
A miracle — within 2 to 3 months, my acid reflux disappeared and has not revisited me since!
That was 8 years ago, folks.
Furthermore, and importantly, I’ve been 100% med-free ever since too!
Final Thoughts
What you put in your body determines your physical, mental health and happiness.
Poor food and drink choices cause a massive sugar overload in your bloodstream, making you sick.
Too many grains and plants will eventually cause acid reflux and a miserable existence.
My best advice:
Dramatically reduce the number of veggies and grains you consume and stop eating sugar!
Instead, eat more protein and healthy animal fats. You will soon feel and see the difference in your health and face.
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