Climbing Mountains isn’t an easy task, even for the very fit. Reaching the top of a mountain is an immense achievement, every time.
Life much resembles mountains, full of twists, and turns, stones, and rocks, steep drop-offs, treacherous terrain, unexpectedly challenging climbs, tricky descents, and risks whichever way you decide to turn.
When climbing a mountain, you must focus on your every step and move. If you don’t, you risk losing your footing and could end up falling hard and far. Sounds like life? That’s okay, precisely as the majestic mountains, life is natural, and will always take its own direction. There isn’t all that much you can do to control it, so it’s better to go with the flow and enjoy it.
Do you prepare for the mountain climb? Absolutely, we have to, and of course, the same applies to life. The better prepared we are, in form of education, know-how, logical thinking, and a strong body and mind, the better we will fair climbing the mountain, and in life.
How many Mountains to Climb?
Sometimes you can choose to climb or not. Other times you have no choice but to climb, yet the climb can be so daunting you may not even know where you are along the way, or how much further you have to go. The key with those climbs is to keep going until you reach the peak. If you don’t, you’ll never know what you missed, and how that may have changed your life.
No matter how daunting, keeping going instead of giving up, will most likely end in a better result, no matter how treacherously slippy the ice may see
Confidence is the Key to Success.
Climbing mountains requires you to have full confidence in yourself and your abilities. To think you aren’t strong enough or your body isn’t good enough, or up to the task, that’s your mind playing games with you, and sapping your confidence. And that’s something you have to confront full-on and work hard on opposing, otherwise, all you do is let your mind games drag you down and sap your confidence.
Wake-Up Calls.
I know this feeling very well. Some six years ago, I let myself get dragged down by my mind games. I let my body go and essentially became a fearful person. I’ll never forget the day I went to one of those tree-top obstacle parks with my kids, in Charlotte, NC. I’m
On this day, however, I had a wake-up call; I stepped out onto the tiny cable high up in the trees, ahead of my kids, walked out a few steps, and fear hit me. I had to sit down on the cable, cowering in fear as my mind and body crushed me into believing I’m incapable of mastering this task.
It took me a good ten minutes to muster the will to carry on while making a monkey of myself in front of my kids and others. I finally completed the course, only because there was no way to go back. I hated every minute and couldn’t shake the fear, in fact, I was close to pooping my pants along the way! In the end, I promised myself I’d never climb that mountain again!
Fast Forward.
Life went on, without much I could do about it, however, at some point, I climbed a mountain that set me on the right path. I managed to clear my mind and heal my body, which fully rebuilt my confidence. Now, at 51 years young, I have 100% confidence in my abilities. I’m fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever before, and I’m happy and content with life.
The Last Mountain to Climb.
There’s never the last mountain to climb, there’s always another one to be found and conquered. Keeping this in mind is vital to remaining balanced, healthy, and happy! You must make the extra effort to go out into nature and climb a mountain every once in a while. It resets your mind, body, and soul, for life’s mountains ahead.
It doesn’t have to be a big mountain, just climb, breathe, and release all your emotions. Every time I’ve climbed a mountain, life takes on a whole new perspective, and my energy, passion, and confidence gets a massive boost. After that, I’m set to take on anything, especially the Mountain of Life!
Stay strong and confident, no matter what, as if I could do it, you can too.
Please view the video about our recent life challenges and the mountains we had to climb to be where we are today.
Thanks for reading.
Writer, Former Olympic Athlete & Certified Health Coach
“It is my mission to help people regain control of their health, by building a healthy, strong heart, body, and mind, supporting a longer life.”
IG: robhourmontcrunch
IG: robshealthcrunch