I know the feeling — I used to love my cereal and devoured the sweet milk when I finished it. Most mornings, one bowel led to two, followed by a donut or two.
If I’d hit the road for breakfast — oh, I knew what to do. One of the pancake houses or Starbucks, it would be.
What could be better than an egg, bacon, and cheese bagel, followed by a delicious cinnamon roll?
My absolute favorite was a stack of 10 pancakes with whipped cream drizzled in maple syrup.
There was only one slightly inconvenient problem with those little “restaurant” trips. Once I was back in the car heading home, I turned into a burping, farting, smelly gas machine!
However, most days, because of convenience and speed, my kids and I would munch down that cereal and milk.
After the cereal “feast,” the next problem would soon arise — your stomach starts to grumble, and you’re starving again.
No problem — at noon the latest, I’d grab a big bowl of spaghetti bolognese I’d made the night before.
Of course, as it goes with spaghetti and rice-based dishes, the dish consists of around 80% carbs and 20% meat.
And there you have it again — more sugar is added to your system, slowly destroying your health and soul!
Why, how, and who invented cereal
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”
That line (or lie) was invented in the 19th century by the Seventh Day Adventists James Caleb Jackson and John Harvey Kellogg to sell their newly invented Kellogg’s breakfast cereal.
That’s right, folks. What a genius tagline it is.
It may well be the most famous one ever. One thing is for sure — it sold its products like crazy for years and made them billionaires.
“Jackson was a preacher, and Kellogg, a religious man who believed that masturbation was the greatest evil, which bland, healthy foods like cornflakes could prevent.” TheGuardian.com
That’s how, over time, this group of people — led by the 7th Day Adventist Church, brainwashed people into believing their heavily processed grain-based and sugar-laden food, called “cereal,” is a must-have “health food.”
Sadly, that’s why cereal still is a staple food in every household in the USA and most of the west.
It’s cheap, delicious, and gives you a burst of energy to start your day. Why not?
Here’s why you should stop falling for this scam
Take a good look at the “nutrition” ingredients and what Weetabix is made of:

Nutrional information:
- Carbs & sugar — 73.2g
- Fiber 10g
- Protein 12g
Made of:
- 95% Wholegrain Wheat
- Malted Barley Extract
- Sugar
More simply put, it’s almost 100% carbohydrates, sugar, and a tiny bit of protein.
In addition, on their packaging, they make astonishing fantastical claims, such as:
“100% Wholegrain Goodness”
Fact: Wholegrains convert to sugar in your bloodstream and do not provide you with “goodness.”
“Low in sugar”
Fact: Carbs turn into sugar, and they’ve added sugar — another bit of false advertising — it’s super-high in sugar.
“Source of protein.”
Fact: That’s hardly the case.
“Low in saturated fat.”
Fact: That’s true, yet a shame, as humans thrive on saturated fat.
And then there’s their stunning marketing slogan tricking you into believing Weetabix is a “superfood,” setting you up for what they call a “Super Morning.”
“Weetabix is a nutritionally-packed*, tasty breakfast made with 100% wholegrain and fortified with vitamins to help set you up for your Super Morning!” Weetabix.com
I just love the “nutritionally packed” part. I would laugh, but instead, I cry because it’s such a lie.
There’s nothing nutritionally valuable about Weetabix — it’s mostly carbs and sugar, which equates to sugar.
However, this completely misleading false advertising is legal worldwide, and nobody in government cares.
The result of eating your daily cereal
Cereal feeds your already intense sugar addiction, falsely making you believe it’s boosting your energy and supporting a healthy “balanced diet.”
In reality, all that’s happening inside your body is:
- You experience a short-term sugar rush, which soon crashes
- The carbs convert to glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream
- Your pancreas works overtime pumping insulin into your system to push the glucose out of your blood and into your fat cells
- Your fat cells become larger and larger as you’re experiencing insidious weight gain
Please remember that this is happening to your body day by day with all the other carb and sugar-heavy foods and drinks you consume.
These foods eventually will ruin your metabolic health, causing you to become an obese, insulin-resistant diabetic with your blood pressure through the roof.
Do you need me to tell you what can happen and what mostly comes next?
Heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes, that’s what.
Final Thoughts
Your good old, trusted cereal friends — Kellogg’s, Weetabix, General Mills & Co, promising you “heart healthy” breakfasts, aren’t so honest after all.
They are part of the “Big Food” industry and do not care one bit about your health.
Their only concern is to buy as many grains at the lowest possible price to process them into fancy packaged products they falsely market to you as “healthy,” when they, in fact, make you fat and sick.
And because the US government subsidizes grains — the largest crop worldwide along with sugar — this is a dream come true and a never-ending-merry-go-round profit spinner for these junk food companies.
It’s time to break your cereal habit and start eating real food.
You can read more about that in these stories:
Here Are My Best Weight-Loss Tips To Keep Your Belly Fat Off For Good
Your Body and Brain Do Not Need Whole Grains, Carbohydrates, And Fiber — Stop Believing The Scams
Here Is My Secret To Why I Don’t Have To Work Out Much To Maintain a Lean and Fit Body
Get healthy by stopping eating sugar and everything made from it.
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