That’s the critical question you must ask yourself when you embark on your fitness or health journey — they are 2 very different things. One is healthy and supports longevity — the other does the opposite!
I’m a Carnivore and eat 85% meat — I move efficiently and have a fat-free and lean muscle body. But I don’t want my body, neck, and face to look like The Hulk!
Question: Are the pumped-up bouncers with their jackets bursting at the seams and their little pinheads on top of their monster bodies attractive to you?
Whenever I ran into these types in the past, these thoughts crossed my mind:
- Are these guys freaks of nature?
- Is it normal for men to look like this?
- They don’t look healthy — they look angry and uncomfortable in their skin
- They demand respect by acting mean, which shows a lack of confidence and self-respect
I’m a little off-tangent here but bear with me — I will get to the point.
The bodybuilding bouncer culture — gone wrong
I have no idea why bouncers have to sport the “monster look.” Is it to intimidate patrons, stop fights, or be a human barrier?
I try to understand the intention of club and bar owners when they started this culture — however, they got it badly wrong.
It sure as hell hasn’t helped stop many bar fights — they mostly make things worse.
True story: In 2006, in the famous club — LesCaves Du Roy — in Saint Tropez, France, one patron hit another over the head with a full 2 little vodka bottle, cracking the man’s skull.
The bouncers didn’t intervene to stop the clash that slowly and visibly brewed over jealousy about who was with a particular woman — they let it unfold.
After all, these were wealthy guests spending tons of money — you don’t want to upset them!
They dragged the passed-out man into another room and let the attacker leave.
He promptly drove to the airport and hopped on his private plane while the victim was in a coma for several days. He was never charged as he had left the country.
Student Still Wanted Over Saint Tropez Attack.
Note: This student is a son of a famous and rich Canadian family.
A very sad and bad story!
As for the poor bouncers and bodybuilders — they mostly don’t live long lives.
I knew 2 personally in my time — they both didn’t see it to 40 — sadly, they died of heart attacks.
At the time, I was shocked — I didn’t understand the human body, its biology, or the effects of food and training on both body and mind.
I put their early deaths down to the harsh working hours, stress, and bad luck.
Now I realize how very wrong I was — they (and thousands more) suffered heart attacks due to massively overstressing their hearts while pumping iron in the gym or performing extreme endurance sports, along with the over-consumption of steroids.
It’s not just me saying this — Google: “why do so many high-performance athletes and bodybuilders die of heart attacks?’
You’ll be astonished at what you’ll find!
It starts by elevating the stress hormone — cortisol — that’s the first metabolic domino to fall.
“Over time, the long hours of training and racing, high-carbohydrate diet, low hormonal levels, and elevated cortisol left me weak, sick, depressed, and chronically fatigued.
I had arrhythmias called atrial fibrillation. This is when the heart’s top chambers beat over 200 times per minute. Actually, the heart is not really beating but quivering, so the blood cannot be ejected down to the ventricles.
This static blood can clot and cause a stroke or massive heart attack.” Russ Scala.
How right Mr. Scala is.
I suffered a stroke in 2015 — luckily, it was a minor stroke, but still a stroke!
It happened because I consumed unhealthy food and drink, causing terrible cholesterol levels and plaque build-up in my arteries due to all the sticky glucose floating around my bloodstream.
On top of that, I regularly hit the gym, lifting weights for hours until I almost passed out!
From what I observe, 95% of the world’s population has no idea about the 2 vital aspects that dictate the quality of their lives and how long they will live.
- Food
- Exercise
I’ll make this very clear: Hard daily weight lifting and any other excessive sporting activity practiced regularly will lead to a weak, sick heart and premature death.
The solution: The easy movement routine that builds optimal health and longevity
I’m the bearer of good news: Less training, but doing it right, is more!
Bulking up your frame to look like some action hero is not normal, natural, or how you are designed to look.
We are meant to be muscular but lean, with little to no fat, agile, flexible, and fast on our feet.
How many of you fit those criteria? From what I see daily, at least 90% — young or old — do not.
I walk a lot daily — about 6 miles or more. I see many people while I’m on my way.
It never ceases to amaze me how many young men and women are overweight or just flabby with next to no muscle tone.
Is it laziness, lack of knowledge, do they not care, or think they’re supposed to look that way? It’s likely a mix of all.
The combination of sprint, strength, and aerobic exercises is the ultimate way to build a lean, fit, muscular and healthy body that will boost your lifespan
The best part? It’s easy to do and takes little time too!
You only need to spend less than 2 hours per week on 3 to 4 brief 20-minute micro-strength workout sessions, plus 1 sprinting session that takes only 15 minutes to complete.
Here’s my weekly movement plan that builds a strong body and healthy heart:
- Walk 3 times per day for 30 to 45 minutes, and a minimum of 10000 steps — aiming for 6 miles
- Swim leisurely for 20 minutes 2 to 3 times per week
- Strength train 3 times a week using your body as your gym — military style with push-ups, planks, lunges, and squats — no more than 20 minutes per session
- Sprint once a week in the pool, up steps, or a hill with 4 to 8 x 20-second bursts — complete in 15 minutes, including warm-up and stretching
That’s all you need to burn the fat and build lean, solid, but not bulky muscles and robust metabolic health supporting a long and healthy life!
In addition, I recommend you engage in a little mental health strength training that looks like this:
Mind Training:
- Meditate 1 to 2 times for 5 to 10 minutes a day
- Practice daily Positive Self-Talk: yes, I am great and can do it!
- Practice Positive Affirmations every morning: I’m grateful for all I have, I love my friends and family, and I will do good on earth
And finally — You Must Nourish Your Body Like a Temple with Optimal Food and Drink!
Eat & Drink:
Here’s what I recommend to make you lose weight, stay lean, and be metabolically and mentally healthy:
* meat, seafood, fish * eggs, cheese, cream, butter, and selected animal and plant oil & fats + some vegetables + selected fruits, herbs, and spices, drink gallons of water, enjoy your coffee and red wine — yes, wine is fine on my diet, just don’t drink too much and get drunk!
Final Thoughts
That wraps up My Keto-CarnivorePlus Lifestyle Training and Eating Plan that will help you develop your optimal body composition and a super positive mindset.
My movement, food, and lifestyle plan is 100% sustainable for life!
Go easy on your body, move it naturally, spend more time in nature, and be kind to your heart and mind.
9 x Top Medium Writer in Food, Health, Life Lessons, Life, Self Improvement, Travel, Mental Health, and Education.
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